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04-01-2011, 16:53
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Signed up with BT, told talktalk to shove it, I'd rather pay up than stay with them.AND BT promised to have me up and running by 11/1,only 5 days after we move on Friday. Better than 2 weeks for phone+ 3 weeks for broadband which talktalk promised and couldn't improve on! Whether BT do it is another question but if I'm not on for a while you'll know why.
Margaret, no shame in being a wrinkly, not all of us get that far!
04-01-2011, 18:58
Beacon of light
Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Gordon, you are right.......being older is the price we pay for living so long 
Not everyone appreciates being called a wrinkly...and I didn't want anyone to feel like I was slighting them.
Anyway, I'm only 14 in my head 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-01-2011, 21:41
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Originally Posted by jaysay
I've never had any trouble with BT hav been with them for years and it costs nowhere near as much
this is scary agreeing with you again  .plus the wireless hub isnt a cheap piece of rubbish either.ive connected 7 laptops and 3 computers at one time without any problems.
04-01-2011, 22:17
Beacon of light
Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
I had a problem with my BT Broadband....couldn't connect wirelessly for more than a few minutes...reported it and within a couple of days I was sent a brand new Home hub, this was free of charge...though I know they charge £80 for them.
I know there are some out there who wouldn't have a BT service given, but I cannot complain......Have always had a good service. I speak as I find. If they were rubbish I would say so.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-01-2011, 07:23
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Margaret can i just correct you please 
you are not a wrinkly you are what is called a "silver surfer" 
05-01-2011, 08:36
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Gordon, if they are the ones breaking or changing the contract they cannot charge you a cancellation fee. Go and have words with CAB and or consumer action group and then tell them as its them that are attempting teh changes then you are entitled to cancel with no charge
I had similar with Vodafone who wanted to cap the data allowance on my mobile package and start charging me extra if I went over it. Ofcom deems that an unfair change in contract and Voda had to cancel mine ( and many others) contracts if we requested them to do so. I ended up getting a very top end phone free after only 6 months of a 24 month contract... 
05-01-2011, 08:59
Beacon of light
Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Originally Posted by mick
Margaret can i just correct you please 
you are not a wrinkly you are what is called a "silver surfer" 
I stand corrected Mick 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-01-2011, 10:07
Resting in Peace
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Re: Advice please-on changing to a new ISP
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
this is scary agreeing with you again  .plus the wireless hub isnt a cheap piece of rubbish either.ive connected 7 laptops and 3 computers at one time without any problems.
Don't let it get you down CS we only disagree on politics and football  
05-01-2011, 18:41
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
I finished up going all the way with SKY - cheapest, quickest activation of phone & BB. Talk Talk said 7 - 10 days but then when pushed for an actual date it became 1 February. BT were almost as good date wise as SKY but quite a bit more expensive when costed over the year, and only a one year contract.
They are also looking into what recompense they are going to give me for all the screwing around by them.
Will see what transpires.
13-01-2011, 17:33
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
I'm BACK! We moved on the 7th and BT promised me a hub and connection for the 11th. At 9-30 ON the 11th the hub was delivered, by 11am the line was connected.Talktalk said 2 weeks for phone, 5 weeks for internet! No trouble connecting up, just can't work out how to alter Incredimail to let me send 'e'mails yet, recieving them OK.
Missed you all. If you're thinking of moving house, think again! It's more stressfull than being married!
To both Margarets-I don't mean that(the married bits).
13-01-2011, 18:04
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
I'm BACK! We moved on the 7th and BT promised me a hub and connection for the 11th. At 9-30 ON the 11th the hub was delivered, by 11am the line was connected.Talktalk said 2 weeks for phone, 5 weeks for internet! No trouble connecting up, just can't work out how to alter Incredimail to let me send 'e'mails yet, recieving them OK.
Missed you all. If you're thinking of moving house, think again! It's more stressfull than being married!
To both Margarets-I don't mean that(the married bits).
Buy Lottery tickets Gordon, your luck is riding high.
Sky promised telephone today - OK, they still have 6 hours to go unless they are using US Pacific Time, but not holding my breath - will have to remember some of my basic Anglo-Saxon for tomorrow morning. The daft sods put it in writing that we would have it today.
Agree with the house moving trauma, especially if you have a flood when you are part way through packing up the house. So, gritted teeth, stiff upper lip and get on with it. Will be glad when it is all over.
Take care you two,
From us two   
26-01-2011, 00:47
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
at long last, now got all three - TV/Phone/Broadband. Will buy lottery tickets this week. Systems working good, very good in fact, BP down so must have been stress related  
27-01-2011, 15:05
Beacon of light
Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
Glad you are sorted Barrie.....good luck with the lotto.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-02-2011, 14:57
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Re: Advice please-on changeing to a new ISP
With unicom now and needed a better router. I use or we use the computer a lot for business and reading the papers online, and research. We kept Vodaphone for the phones and Sky for the tv. So when one goes wrong we do not have a disaster. That said Unicom does not have masts in the range Vodaphone, but for our Internet they are the new providers this six months. I have a Viewsonic widescreen monitor and keyboard and tower from supplier that lights up as ebay suppliers Christmas. I use Inspiration software as tools extra to Word 7. But that is me going from shop to special 'want I want' and what I can afford as my only treat.
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