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Old 14-04-2008, 20:05   #16
Senior Member

Re: Aohell

Honestly guys, have a look at O2.

I know theyre pretty new at all this, but I really cannot fault them. Love their honesty as well, I asked for the highest possible connection, but they have a best value policy, and as they couldnt guarentee I would get the highest speed (24mb i think), they gave signed me up to 12mb. Currently get around 14mb speed so for once, more than I pay for
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Accrington Web
Old 17-04-2008, 00:38   #17
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Re: Aohell

Mrs Macca has just spent half the afternoon on to Virgin tryign to cancel ours. They did the usual and offered us about £20 a month of what we pay (broadband, phone etc) Why dont they just do that anyway?

Anyroad, the upshot was that Mrs Macca said give me half an hour to look into what you have just offered and I'll come back to you.

So half hour later she rings them up and tells the nice as pie woman to shove her offer up her arse as it was still more than Sky were offering and was only 4mb broadband instead of 16mb. Not very nice as pie woman then said tough, you've already agreed to the twelve month contract (hadn't) and Sky cant offer you 24mb in Accrington cos 4mb is the max!!!!!!!! Mrs Macca then tells pie woman to shove it and BT have been informed to re-re-connect (Virgin cancelled the orignal request to re-connect) the BT line. Mr Macca (me) comes home and promptly rings Pie woman telling her that I know where she lives and I'll come and disconnect her if she doesn't cancel the 'agreement' pronto.

I hate the lies they tell when trying to fob you off. I could understand it if it was Branson pickle on the other end cos its his money, but these stuck up little Hitlers act as though its a personal insult to them. Top and bottom of it is that I am too lazy to have acted on the prices having gone up, and up, and up beyond what we were paying last year when we switched to save money. I hate Virgin email cos its cack, Virgin broadband is vergin' on going backwards its that slow but I'd have stayed wi'em cos I'm lazy. But they fecked about with the prices too much and Mrs Macca took the hump. If they'd have offered us discounts before we said we were leaving then we'd have took em and carted on for another 12 months. But they didn't so bye bye Virgin!

and AOL will never enter my computer ever again other than my one free email address that I still use. There email system is good I'll give em that
email for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 17-04-2008, 00:51   #18
God Member


Re: Aohell

Hope you have better luck than I had trying to get Orange to clear the line maccawozzagod, it seems these companies will do anything but make life easier for their customers. I am now with Sky it is far cheaper
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Old 17-04-2008, 09:39   #19

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Re: Aohell

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
Weve had Aol for years! And have never had a problem!
You only have problems with AOL when you try and leave
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Old 17-04-2008, 10:30   #20
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Re: Aohell

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You only have problems with AOL when you try and leave
I'll second that, they're great when your with them, but turn into some kind of devil when you want to leave

Last edited by jaysay; 17-04-2008 at 10:30. Reason: error
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Old 17-04-2008, 10:49   #21
Senior Member

Re: Aohell

I just went through ISP and they dealt with the AOL cack lol
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