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Old 05-02-2007, 01:23   #1
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Building a PC

Going to attempt to put a new PC together Myself.

Here is the Spec I have though of. any comments, suggestions welcome.

Nice Case
Power Supply - 600w -
M Board - Inter Bad Axe or - Gigabyte GA_965P_DS4 ?
Ram - 2gb Good Quality - Corsair - 800mhz DDR2 6400
Processor - Intel - E6600 Due - or AMD FX 70 ???
G CArd - Gainward - 7950Gt -
H Driver Raptor 10.000rpm - 74Gb -
Extra Cooling -

Going to be my first attempt at a DIY computer build, the only thing that worries me is the heat sink.
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Old 05-02-2007, 06:14   #2
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Here is the Spec I have though of. any comments, suggestions welcome.
get some good accidental cover so if it goes wrong you can throw it down the stairs and get a new one on accidental damage

make sure you get new for old policy

one serious tip

no matter what nerd tells you do not go for a motherboard with intergrated graphics , all it will do is eat into your system memory/ram , if you are going to buy a board with intergrated graphics you may as well just buy a piece of crap from pc world, also intergrated graphics lack a lot of features that stand alone graphics cards do and you will probably run into a lot of issues with games or have to lower graphics quality to play them properly

on board sound is ok but graphics is a huge no no , even if your not planning on playing gamesthe onboard graphics will slow your system down BIG time

spend an extra 50 or so quid and get a half decent ati card , preferably pci express so make sure you buy a board with a oci express slot and not agp

scew intel they are overpriced stick with amd , cheaper and just as fast

Last edited by chav1; 05-02-2007 at 06:20.
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Old 05-02-2007, 06:14   #3
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Re: Building a PC

nuy one ready made...

Cheaper, easier, less agro

I used to build PCs for fun, it was a way of getting more performance than I could afford in pre built. Nowadays, you can't buy he bits for the price that people are selling PCs at.

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Old 05-02-2007, 06:23   #4
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Re: Building a PC

but where does he buy one ?

pc world are garbage and the likes of time etc are just as bad

i kid you not my brother bought a media center system from pc world and 5 mins after he switched it on teh fan fell off the processor and teh whole system had to be replaced

you want a decent pc build one your self
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Old 05-02-2007, 08:04   #5
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Re: Building a PC

Scare mongering rubbish.

Sorry mate but if 'every' PC sold by PC World was crap then they would have gone out of business years ago. the build quality is down to the manufacturer and the likes of Packard Bell, Toshiba, etc are decent. Whos to say your mate didn't bounce the PC round in his boot all the way home dislodging the fan.

There are plenty of other mail order/online places as well, pick up a copy of Micro-Mart its full of them.

Onboard graphics again is fine if all you want is a Internet/Office/email. you really don't need 128M gfx for that. Its more important to consider what you want a PC for and then spend the money on the bit that will most influence its perceived performance. I bought a new laptop a couple of weeks ago , I had got it down to a choice of two, one dual core with slightly better gfx chip or a single core, still reasonable gfx but a far nicer screen. I reasoned that I would rarely push the CPU(as 99% of people won't) or play the latest games but I would be looking at the screen a lot. So I went for the better screen as this will improve my perception of its performance.

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Old 05-02-2007, 09:40   #6
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Re: Building a PC

I avoid using places like PC World because of their crap service or knowledge rather than the build of the machines, although I would totally disagree with entwisi about Packard Bell, wouldn't touch one with somebody elses barge pole !!!

I use a shop in Nelson who will build whatever spec pc you want. You can buy the parts and build it yourself or for £25 they will build it for you ( lot less hassle if things go wrong). Is there not a shop like that in Accrington ?
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:17   #7
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Re: Building a PC

Bought my pc from pc world three and a half years ago only ever had one problem with it, still going strong.
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:22   #8
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
get some good accidental cover so if it goes wrong you can throw it down the stairs and get a new one on accidental damage

make sure you get new for old policy

one serious tip

no matter what nerd tells you do not go for a motherboard with intergrated graphics , all it will do is eat into your system memory/ram , if you are going to buy a board with intergrated graphics you may as well just buy a piece of crap from pc world, also intergrated graphics lack a lot of features that stand alone graphics cards do and you will probably run into a lot of issues with games or have to lower graphics quality to play them properly

on board sound is ok but graphics is a huge no no , even if your not planning on playing gamesthe onboard graphics will slow your system down BIG time

spend an extra 50 or so quid and get a half decent ati card , preferably pci express so make sure you buy a board with a oci express slot and not agp

scew intel they are overpriced stick with amd , cheaper and just as fast
LOL Most Household Insurance comes with Accidental Damage to Personal Computer for free.

Well firstly I have to agree with the comment PC world, what a load of rubbish, I swore I would not buy anything from there again after a eventfull printer purchase 3 years ago and a USB cable row.

I will not buy a pre built machine as they are a rip off WAY to dear for the spec I want, I do a lot of online gaming and play the newest games.

I believe the Intel Chip will be VERY POWERFULL when over clocked, better if not as good as the FX70 AMD monster.

Mother Board for Graffics. LOL - I mentioned the Nvidia 7950 GT as the one I am looking at although the 8800 seems intersting, I do believe though ATi are bringing a new one out soon the willbe 50% More powerfull than the 8800.

If you see my list its a Top Spec Machine I dont want a PC world PC which has 1 good bit & 20 bad bits.

My List comes to around the £1000.00 figure. To Buy a pre Build around £1700.00 Simmaler Spec.
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:54   #9
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Re: Building a PC

thought about doing something like this meself! anyone ever been to Emit? and is it ok or should i not bother!
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:57   #10
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by panther View Post
thought about doing something like this meself! anyone ever been to Emit? and is it ok or should i not bother!
Do you mean building one yourself?

Emit = Time

Seems the Internet is the best palve for parts.

ie. Scan - OverClockers Uk Ect.
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:17   #11
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
Scare mongering rubbish.

Sorry mate but if 'every' PC sold by PC World was crap then they would have gone out of business years ago. the build quality is down to the manufacturer and the likes of Packard Bell, Toshiba, etc are decent. Whos to say your mate didn't bounce the PC round in his boot all the way home dislodging the fan.

pc world target people who know sod all about computers and very clever wording in their comercials like , latest technology , most powerful processors etc and to top it off make out their staff are soem kind of pc guru's when the truth is once you ask a question that isnt covered in teh sales speel that have written on a peice of paper somewhere they direct you to the one person in the shop who they think may have an idea what your talking about

they also have the magic lure of finance so theres another reason why they attract so much custom because not everyone can buy a pc outright and its a quick solution to getting a pc

my brother didnt boot his pc around it was shabbyly put together probably by somone working for less than minimum wage

seriously how can you expect anything to be of any quality from somwhere that throws in free printers and cameras with a pc and still makes a huge proffitt , the parts used are of teh lowest grade quality

you give me and pc world the same specs to build a machine and my machine will out perfom it any day of the week simply because i will build it with better quality parts and set it up a damn sight better infact my 10 year old son could build a pc better than pc world

you get what you pay for and pc world are crap i would much rather buy the parts individualy from scan and have somone put it together for me if i dint know how to

time were crap and they used the same parts as pc world

to anyone thinking of going to pc world i recomend you take a look at other options before you commit your money or to a finance agreement, most people will have friends who have kids who can build better systems for them
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:18   #12
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by panther View Post
thought about doing something like this meself! anyone ever been to Emit? and is it ok or should i not bother!
I'd rather poke my eyes with needles than go to EMit. Biggest cowboys this side of the wild west.
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:22   #13
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Do you mean building one yourself?

Emit = Time

Seems the Internet is the best palve for parts.

ie. Scan - OverClockers Uk Ect.
emit sell all the parts that didnt quite make it through time's quality controll and also sold the systems that were taken in under the part exchange deal time had going at one point

went down there a few weeks ago and they dont realy sell systems anymore but thats because obviouly time is shut down

they sell mostly plasma tv's etc and a few componments for computers

go to

if you ring them up and tell them what you want and how much you have to spend they will help you out on what parts to buy
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:23   #14
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I'd rather poke my eyes with needles than go to EMit. Biggest cowboys this side of the wild west.

i think you will find they are indians

or pakistani iem not sure
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Old 05-02-2007, 12:34   #15
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Re: Building a PC

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
i think you will find they are indians

or pakistani iem not sure
I knew somebody would pick up on a technicality
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