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Old 28-11-2008, 23:53   #1
I am Banned


Just been reading Margarets thread about a bleep, and Flashys thread about a dongle, thought I was having my leg pulled.

Checked with Dogpile and dongles do exist, £15 a month, up to 7 meg speed, whats the catch, just £15, nothing else no hidden charges, line rental and all the other hidden snags?.
What about your email address does that change?, if not then surely your still tied to your original ISP?.
Sounds too good to be true.

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Old 29-11-2008, 22:57   #2
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Re: Dongles

Depends on who does your email. I'm with Sky but I don't use Sky for my email,, I run my own email domain so it matters nothing who I connect to the internet with, my email will always stay the same.

up to 7 meg is quite optimistic, I reckon i get about 2-3 most of the time with my 3G connection.

You do pay like a mobile, either a monthly contract or PAYG. I pay £5 a month on my moblile contract for 500Meg Cap which is fine for mobile browsinga nd even using my laptop over the connection

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Old 30-11-2008, 09:06   #3
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Re: Dongles

We have 3 dongles out on the road, this way staff can update the customer database whenever they do a job, and the online diary means they know if they have been given any extra work, we can also message each other if necessary, we may even be able to reduce the mobile phone packages now because we dont use them as much, so for us, it is cost effective.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 30-11-2008, 09:26   #4

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Re: Dongles

These netbooks might be handy for you at work Derek. Small but powerful enough for your email stuff etc. Built in 3 broadband connectivity so no dongle to add - they are easy to damage sticking out of a laptop when on the move.
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Old 30-11-2008, 09:32   #5
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Re: Dongles

Thanks Neil, we did look at those, and our techie knocked them back, probably because we already had the laptops so was cheaper to buy dongles, we will look at them again though when the lappies break. Thanks for the info. Our dongles have an extension lead btw, so it doesnt stick out of the laptop.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 30-11-2008, 11:53   #6
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Re: Dongles

Click on Line was on about Dongles on BBC News Channel this morning
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Old 30-11-2008, 13:13   #7
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Re: Dongles

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Click on Line was on about Dongles on BBC News Channel this morning
BBC iPlayer - Click: 29/11/2008
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Old 30-11-2008, 13:25   #8
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Re: Dongles

Oh wait, the link I posted is for TV dongles not broadband.
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Old 01-12-2008, 17:19   #9
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Re: Dongles

Originally Posted by Retlaw
Checked with Dogpile and dongles do exist
Don't they come from Burnley?
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Old 01-12-2008, 17:51   #10
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Re: Dongles

Haha, so if ya from burnley and have one, it will be a dingles dongle!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 01-12-2008, 19:15   #11
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Re: Dongles

And if it's one of the ones on an extension cable, it's a dangle dingle dongle

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Old 01-12-2008, 22:24   #12
I am Banned

Re: Dongles

Wanted to respond to Dereks quote for ages.

If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?

They probably have, took one look and thought ****** this lot, and gone somewhere else.
I know I would.

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Old 02-12-2008, 15:36   #13
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Re: Dongles

I have had dongles for years.

The doctor gave me some cream but it never removed them

They are hardware locks that only allow you to use the programs when its installed.
They have gone from Serial through parallel and now back to serial in USB ports.

Some can be bypassed easily, some cant
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Old 02-12-2008, 18:27   #14
I am Banned

Re: Dongles

None of the replies have so far answered my question on Dongles

There are some on a web site advertised at £15 Google Page Ranking month 12 month contract. vodafone 3, and 3 Mobile plus.

What I need to know is whats the catch ?.
Just £15 and nothing else, no hidden charges, no line rental fees ?.

Who is then your ISP ? the firm you buy from or what ?.

If its true, then surely every one would use them instead of BT, Post office, Sky, and all the other broadband providers that use BT land lines and charge line rental at varying prices.

I still think theres a catch in it some where, this is rip of Britain remember.


Last edited by Retlaw; 02-12-2008 at 18:31.
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Old 02-12-2008, 19:29   #15
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Re: Dongles

the 15 quid buys you so much bandwidth. depending on who its with it can vary widely. the 15 quid a month is also your line rental. You can't call land lines from them without some other package e.g. Skype. Its a pure data package only.

Your ISP is the mobile network provider, e.g. vodafone, 3 etc

Why should everyone move from Sky etc? your line rental with BT is 11 quid a month, a sky package is 16 for teh basic and you get free broadband( although I do hear they are starting to charge £5 a month soon). For what you get its good value, a dongle doesn't provide land line calling, any premium channel TV, etc. OK they can be handy out and about but you aren't guaranteed a signal remember, and teh speed varies wildely wheras at home its pretty stable and constant.

They suit a purpose and for some they are ideal. I wouldn't recommend them for everyone though.

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