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Old 10-03-2006, 14:51   #1
God Member
Len's Avatar

Firewire card

I got myself a Trust firewire 800 DV PCI kit. And it is supposed to be compatible with winXP.

I fit the card very easily and every thing seemed to work ok but when I try to turn the computer off I get a fatal error and windows reboots it’s self. After the reboot I am told by windows that I have a worm/torsion which effects winlogin or something like that. So I then ran several virus scans but nothing was found.
I decided to remove the firewire card and see what that does and having removed the card my windows shut down ran without any problems.
It looks like the firewire card interferes with the shutdown process anyone any ideas how to cure this?

Trust 800DV PCI kit

Last edited by Len; 10-03-2006 at 14:57.
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Old 10-03-2006, 15:04   #2

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Re: Firewire card

I am intrigued why you want a firewire card

Anyway the fault. I would try here
It's not intended as a flippant answer, but I am sure they will be able to help you.
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Old 10-03-2006, 15:34   #3
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Re: Firewire card

Originally Posted by Neil
I am intrigued why you want a firewire card

Anyway the fault. I would try here
It's not intended as a flippant answer, but I am sure they will be able to help you.
It’s nothing to do with the webcam. Hehe

I going to attempted to transfer supper 8mm film to dvd and to do that I need the wirewire so I can transfer from DV cam to PC.

I have no confidence in most technical support sections as I had loads of bother with Roxio while I was attempting to use easy creator 6. I had that software for nearly two years and it never worked properly. Everything always boiled down to incorrect firemware or what ever, never the software; I am now on my third cd, dvd writer and their software still didn’t work, so I have now dumped it.
I got the impression that they didn’t know what was wrong and they didn’t care, so I think they simply blamed something else .i.e. hardware etc and as a result it cost me a lot of money and all for nothing but then that’s PC’s for you.hehe
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Old 10-03-2006, 15:50   #4
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Re: Firewire card

There was a problem between Roxio and XP IIRC

As far as teh problem shutting down, have you checked out teh system event viewer to see what is going splat? It should give details of what dlls etc are unhappy.

I am guessing there may be an interrupt conflict that is causing the problem. Just out of interest can you try teh card in a different PCI slot? Also when its installed go into device manager and tweak teh interrupt settings to a different value.

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Old 11-03-2006, 18:01   #5
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Re: Firewire card

I’ll try that Ian but not just yet, it seems I have other thing I have to do first. Hehe
I have also sent a message to their support and perhaps there is a patch that may sort it for me.
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