10-03-2006, 15:34
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Re: Firewire card
Originally Posted by Neil
I am intrigued why you want a firewire card
Anyway the fault. I would try here
It's not intended as a flippant answer, but I am sure they will be able to help you.
It’s nothing to do with the webcam. Hehe
I going to attempted to transfer supper 8mm film to dvd and to do that I need the wirewire so I can transfer from DV cam to PC.
I have no confidence in most technical support sections as I had loads of bother with Roxio while I was attempting to use easy creator 6. I had that software for nearly two years and it never worked properly. Everything always boiled down to incorrect firemware or what ever, never the software; I am now on my third cd, dvd writer and their software still didn’t work, so I have now dumped it.
I got the impression that they didn’t know what was wrong and they didn’t care, so I think they simply blamed something else .i.e. hardware etc and as a result it cost me a lot of money and all for nothing but then that’s PC’s for you.hehe