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Old 20-12-2009, 15:16   #1
I am Banned


I now have the service records for 631 men who served in WW1, each man has his own folder, and I store them as thumbnails, or I try to, but every time I look thro them they have gone back to filmstrip. Does any one know how to make thumbnail the default storage.

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Accrington Web
Old 23-12-2009, 14:02   #2
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Morecambe Ex Pat's Avatar

Re: Folders

Select the folder
Set the required view to that folder
Stay in that folder

Tools=>options=>view and click apply to all folders.

Storing so many images and details would be easier to have all the images in one folder and the image names and details stored in a searchable database.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

Family History - Can you help to fill in the gaps? -
Hodgkinson, Clark, Baxter, Gardner, Spilman, Ward, Lofthouse, Fowler, Westwell
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Old 23-12-2009, 20:40   #3
I am Banned

Re: Folders

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
Select the folder
Set the required view to that folder
Stay in that folder

Tools=>options=>view and click apply to all folders.

Storing so many images and details would be easier to have all the images in one folder and the image names and details stored in a searchable database.
Many thanks Morecambe, just done it and its worked, I don't think I could do with all the images in one folder as there are several people with the same name, the only thing that separates them is their service number. Each man could have up to a dozen or more pages in his folder starting with his attestation paper, service and medical papers to his protection certificate, and any pension papers as well.
By the time I'm finished there could be 1000's of men, only just got to the end of Duckworth's in the 11th East Lancs yet, and only to the end of B's in my other files.
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Old 24-12-2009, 00:33   #4

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Re: Folders

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
Many thanks Morecambe, just done it and its worked, I don't think I could do with all the images in one folder as there are several people with the same name, the only thing that separates them is their service number. Each man could have up to a dozen or more pages in his folder starting with his attestation paper, service and medical papers to his protection certificate, and any pension papers as well.
By the time I'm finished there could be 1000's of men, only just got to the end of Duckworth's in the 11th East Lancs yet, and only to the end of B's in my other files.
I hope you have a good system for backing up your data. It would be a terrible shame if you lost all your hard work.
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Old 24-12-2009, 08:51   #5
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Morecambe Ex Pat's Avatar

Re: Folders

Having a number of men with the same name is not really a problem. The images would be stored in one folder and the file names would be the service number ie. 12345678.jpg.
This is why we use databases rather than flat lists.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

Family History - Can you help to fill in the gaps? -
Hodgkinson, Clark, Baxter, Gardner, Spilman, Ward, Lofthouse, Fowler, Westwell
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Old 24-12-2009, 12:17   #6
I am Banned

Re: Folders

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I hope you have a good system for backing up your data. It would be a terrible shame if you lost all your hard work.
Yes all the data on my DOS computer is backed up every night, to a Zip disc, and this computer gets backed up to a 16 gig memory stick, which is then transferred to a mini notebook, and once a week I back up this hard drive to an exteral hardrive, which is kept in another place.

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Old 24-12-2009, 16:44   #7
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Re: Folders

If your making lots of folders all the time then you may find bxNewFolder useful.

INstead of all the new folder clicks etc you simply hit F12 & type the name.

Google it.
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