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Old 22-06-2004, 17:25   #1
I am Banned

Question Help Me!!!!!!

hi all i am making a game and have had this help off this game creater vai e-mail and he has check it and said it is fine just 1 prob he said this is wot i need to do now and im baffled helps
do i put all my 2 files into the headers and fotters? Help here is wot he said

1) Run the sql commands in mysql. You can use something like phpMyAdmin or if you are a double hard b******* like me log in at the command line and do "\. db.bak" ...or is it "/. db.bak" I can never remember (try both!). You should end up with a load of tables starting with pdm_ in your database.
2) Edit and replace pdm_pdm on line 3 with the name of your database. Now on line 27 replace "localhost" with the DNS name/IP of your mysql server (or leave it as localhost if it is on the same machine as the webserver) replace "pdm_pdm" with your database username and "BG77ygir" with your database password. The game should now run!
3)All the automatic stuff is in the cronStuff directory, you can run the php files as normal web pages and they will do whatever they do (reset health, update charts etc.) but I used to run them as cron jobs from the command line using "php -f FILENAE". The paths in these files will need changing to the relevant path on your machine (just go through each file and search for "include" statements and you'll see what I mean).

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Accrington Web
Old 22-06-2004, 18:01   #2

Roy's Avatar

Re: Help Me!!!!!!

Nice... I hope you have proper hosting for this game, and how have you tested it if you haven't set mysql up yet...? Anyway, you have a lot of learning to do but I'll try to help, maybe kipax can add a few pointers as well as he is more experienced in this field...

1) Run the sql commands in mysql. You can use something like phpMyAdmin or if you are a double hard b******* like me log in at the command line and do "\. db.bak" ...or is it "/. db.bak" I can never remember (try both!). You should end up with a load of tables starting with pdm_ in your database.
I doubt that you have command line access so you will have to use phpmyadmin (the safest way anyway). Your host should already have this installed on the server, ask them about how to access it for your mysql database. It looks like db.bak is a database sql database fiel that should be in the zip that you downloaded with the game. It should have a .sql ending though but never mind. Go into phpmyadmin and import your db.bak file into your database. PHPMyAdmin is pretty straightforward and there is help all over the internet if you are struggling with that.

2) Edit and replace pdm_pdm on line 3 with the name of your database. Now on line 27 replace "localhost" with the DNS name/IP of your mysql server (or leave it as localhost if it is on the same machine as the webserver) replace "pdm_pdm" with your database username and "BG77ygir" with your database password. The game should now run!
Ask your host for your database details and enter them as explained. Most likely leave localhost as is, again your host will confirm this.

3)All the automatic stuff is in the cronStuff directory, you can run the php files as normal web pages and they will do whatever they do (reset health, update charts etc.) but I used to run them as cron jobs from the command line using "php -f FILENAE". The paths in these files will need changing to the relevant path on your machine (just go through each file and search for "include" statements and you'll see what I mean).
For running cron jobs it helps if you have hosting with a decent control panel, something like CPanel. If you have this then simply log in and go to the cronjobs section. Depending on the update scipts you may want to set them to every hour or every day or whatever. Anyway, you will need the full path to your home directory on the server - again your host can provide this information.


I hope this helped, you might want to try sending your requests to your host as they will be able to confirm if you can actually run this game on the server you have been allocated to.
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Old 22-06-2004, 18:36   #3
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

If you have proper hosting then let us know. If you are on free hosting then you probably wont have access to these things.
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Old 23-06-2004, 12:06   #4
I am Banned

Re: Help Me!!!!!!

im on free hosting
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Old 23-06-2004, 12:08   #5
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

Then your out of luck mate.. Theres no way you will have the services required to set up the games you have chosen.
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Old 29-06-2004, 20:02   #6
I am Banned

Re: Help Me!!!!!!

kipax i have spoke to someone on a chat room and he has the same game as me (it is a clone file) on a free webhost so now im a member have got stuck on the first instruction help!!.
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Old 29-06-2004, 22:18   #7
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

Well I am amazed that you can get a free account on lycos complete wiht PHP and MySQL . really am amazed....

yer game is up and running
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Old 29-06-2004, 22:22   #8
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

not bein funny, but int that just robbing paranormal deathmatch off what used to be, or they just like given the game away to everyone to set up their own?
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Old 29-06-2004, 22:31   #9
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

robbing ??????


Take note of the part where it says *** HOW TO GET YOUR OWN VERSION OF THE GAME *** and the subsequent download links.

I am a profesional programmer.. I dont rob things from other websites or help anyone else rob..

not being funny but...... THE CHEEK!!!

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Old 30-06-2004, 14:21   #10
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

yeah sorry i just remember playing that ages ago and some poeple on their forum being "unhappy" someone setting up somthing very similar so just didnt occur to me that theyd of made it so public and like give it away.

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Old 30-06-2004, 14:23   #11
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

Note the hehe at the bottom of mine
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Old 30-06-2004, 15:07   #12
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Re: Help Me!!!!!!

always look for smileys in your posts kipax, if theyre wasnt one, id be scared. the hehe was reassuring though
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