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27-05-2009, 20:08
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Re: I have a problem with windows
so even people with legit licenses end up with 'hacked' pirated copies as its 'easier'.......
Only with Windows could this be true.
well, good luck with it all..
27-05-2009, 20:31
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Re: I have a problem with windows
the only problem with the wga fix is that microsoft get wise to them and alter their detection but soon enough a new one is released that you can apply, this can be every few months or so , the one i posted earlier seems to be an older one, i got mistaken with eth relase numbers so dosnt work but do a bit of googleing and you will be able to find one that does
if you are %100 sure you have a legit key email microsoft and ask them to sort it out but for any one running somthing that they may feel isnt exactly legit try teh latest wga fix as its the onl real option apart from buying a new key for £90 - they dont even send youa disk lol
if your not sure click here to test your key for xp pro
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 27-05-2009 at 20:34.
27-05-2009, 20:38
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Re: I have a problem with windows
so you aren't even offering a long term fix...
what a mess
27-05-2009, 21:43
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Re: I have a problem with windows
If you have a legitimate copy of Windows and you are using the correct license key (or the one assigned to your PC if it was pre-installed), then there's no issue at all with Windows.
27-05-2009, 21:55
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Re: I have a problem with windows
but the problem is that people who 'help' when u have issue install dodgy copies etc as is clear frm this an other threads.
The simple fact is there are so many 'versions' of windows that people don't often know what they have
Media Centre
Vista basic
Vista home premium
I give up
Whereas Linux... install one version and you have access to it all...........
e.g. on one install I statred with a basic Command line install of teh most basic system I could imagine. add a GUI - no probs, add decent GUI apps no probs, make it capable of everything including full WebServer and even J2EE appserver( proper geek level) again no issues...
that was on one full release version. then 3 months later there was a full releasae version available, full upgrade took less than 1 hour, no intervention.. reboot job done.
No license issues, nothing, no checks, no spyware, no Av, no malware, gosh, I'm even getting bored typing about the issues you lot go through.
27-05-2009, 21:57
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Re: I have a problem with windows
All sorted now thanks Accyman.
Even runing quicker than it used to so am a happy bunny again 
27-05-2009, 22:00
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Re: I have a problem with windows
ah buit as Chav says, its not a permanent fix... So hope you remember what you need to do and hope people fix it again...

27-05-2009, 22:19
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Re: I have a problem with windows
Originally Posted by emzy
All sorted now thanks Accyman.
Even runing quicker than it used to so am a happy bunny again 
no probs like i said the fix i posted earlier was out of date i posted the wrong one by mistake , once i found the one you needed it was easy peezy and you should be ok for sometime its just a lottery when microsoft update their validation process if ever , you cant blame them for protecting their product but the way i see it is some folk get screwed over by shops through no fault of their own and if my posts have helped anyone then good
i used to have a list of keys i took off scrapped computers which were valid and installed the correct operating systems accordingly but for some reason some stopped passing validation a few months ago so i just applied the wga fix and IF it runs out people contact me and i give them the new one
£90 is ridiculous for just a key for an operating system thats been phased out so screw MS for tehir greed lol
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27-05-2009, 22:22
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Re: I have a problem with windows
mods can delete this if they want but as far as im aware the wga fixes arnt illigal
grab it while you can its on a freehost site so no idea how much a day it allows to download
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-05-2009, 22:25
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Re: I have a problem with windows
Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
If you have a legitimate copy of Windows and you are using the correct license key (or the one assigned to your PC if it was pre-installed), then there's no issue at all with Windows.
some valid keys do fail validation just like some 360's get banned from xbox live for no reason at all yet modded ones still play on xbox live fine
microsoft arnt very good at spotting fake from real lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-05-2009, 22:31
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Re: I have a problem with windows
but clearly dodgy is as dodgy does...
just cause you buy a PC with dodgy OS is it MS fault or yours for not asking... ?
its not like people aren't aware that PCs offer pirated software.. teh fact is people choose to take teh cheaper option... ( BTW this is not a slur on those people, I too agree that the cost is silly..... if it was 20 quid for XP would people use pirated software? no I don't think they would.....)
27-05-2009, 22:37
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Re: I have a problem with windows
Originally Posted by entwisi
but clearly dodgy is as dodgy does...
just cause you buy a PC with dodgy OS is it MS fault or yours for not asking... ?
its not like people aren't aware that PCs offer pirated software.. teh fact is people choose to take teh cheaper option... ( BTW this is not a slur on those people, I too agree that the cost is silly..... if it was 20 quid for XP would people use pirated software? no I don't think they would.....)
If it was £20 then i would buy it  but it isnt and cant afford money like that
But i have had legit windows on this laptop from when i bought it new from PC world so whats gone on since then i have no idea
27-05-2009, 22:40
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Re: I have a problem with windows
Originally Posted by entwisi
but clearly dodgy is as dodgy does...
just cause you buy a PC with dodgy OS is it MS fault or yours for not asking... ?
its not like people aren't aware that PCs offer pirated software.. teh fact is people choose to take teh cheaper option... ( BTW this is not a slur on those people, I too agree that the cost is silly..... if it was 20 quid for XP would people use pirated software? no I don't think they would.....)
glad your not coming down too hard on people using dodgy copies of xp
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-05-2009, 22:44
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Re: I have a problem with windows
OK, serious Q
I as a software developer make money as my living by writing software. How do yo feel telling my daughter that I can't take her out this weekend because people would rather pirate software than pay for it?
There are free options ( I wil happily install linux if you drop your PC off at my house or you can do it yourself..) so to say you have no option is no longer valid....
just like people on here wouldn't dream of ripping of Kipax's pictures of Stanley, why should I let software be so openly pirated? Its my job and how I make money? something thatI have spent many years learning how to do..... yet you feel its OK to use it "cause I can't afford money like that"......
I'm not having a go at you per se, simply people think its a victimless crime but it aint!
27-05-2009, 22:46
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Re: I have a problem with windows
Originally Posted by accyman
glad your not coming down too hard on people using dodgy copies of xp
not coming down hard but i would rather take teh option of pointing out its not a victimless crime....
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