Yes, always a Sunday I set to about once a month tidying up my P.C.
It's surprising since most of us went onto broadband how fast we can accumulate rubbish from downloads and freebies that tend to clog up the works.
I always start with the usual scans for viruses & malware, (this it does weekly automatically, but I do like to force it to double check now and then, just for peace of mind).
I then move onto any programs I might have installed that I know I'll never use again so that a few months down the line when I've forgotten what I'd put them on for I don't waste time finding out. Uninstalling is tedious but it does save time and space in the long run.
Then go through downloaded installers (usually kept safe and secure in a folder handily labelled Downloads), be hard, get rid of them, don't just pretend you might need it again when you know you never will.
My next search is through Favourites or Bookmarks, and dump those sites that seemed useful at the time, but will I ever really get around to knitting a bobble hat for the cat? Honest answer, no, so get rid of it, the site or one just as bad will be there waiting for the next time insanity strikes. Of course about 1% of all these sites will be worth keeping so do it now.
Stick it with the similar sites of that genre neatly in a folder if you haven't got a folder make one. If you keep all that you've found about a favourite hobby in one place it's so much easier to find them the next time the mood tempts you to spend money you can't afford.
Then use your favourite utility be it the humble windows stuff or something you consider far superior and check your disk clean up utility to clear out such things as :-
- Temporary Internet Files.
- Recycle Bin.
Your software will let you know, how much you are going to save.
Next, move things around a bit get some order to that hard disk, ye Gods it's getting worse than the top of my Computer desk! Give it a defrag.
After all that, you can get onto the most important of all tasks, the one none of us ever fail to do,
This Months Back up Of our Hard Drives!
Something no responsible Computer owner will ever omit to do isn't it?
I know, I know, it's a ball-ache that's why we never seem to get around to it do we? What the hey, so far so good it hasn't Crashed Ye....