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Old 02-07-2007, 21:57   #16
Resident Waffler

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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

It worked for the TV remote too apparently - something to do with letting it drain. But don't quote me on that because I can't remember it exactly. I think it was K.S.H. who posted the tip.

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Old 02-07-2007, 22:03   #17
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
It worked for the TV remote too apparently - something to do with letting it drain. But don't quote me on that because I can't remember it exactly. I think it was K.S.H. who posted the tip.
not changing batteries in the remote is just lazy though to be quite frank!
A better tip is to put batteries that no longer run a remote efficiently in a clock, as a clock can still get months of life out of them.
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Old 02-07-2007, 22:05   #18
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

thanks all for comments, the battery pack isn't in blazey it was plugged into mains...spoke to friend (who won't charge me a penny) and he is going to sort it wednesday...don't worry he has said about removing everything first before resetting (computers are his livelihood too)...and yes ian it does have the licence sticker on the lap top for windows so we're ok there.

thanks once again

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 02-07-2007, 22:06   #19
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
not changing batteries in the remote is just lazy though to be quite frank!
A better tip is to put batteries that no longer run a remote efficiently in a clock, as a clock can still get months of life out of them.
no the tip was when the remote goes a bit funny, you take the batteries out and press the off button for a minute and it gets rid of all the residual static which can make the remote play up!! and it works, did it myself

But I do that with batteries for clocks though!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!

Last edited by harwood red; 02-07-2007 at 22:08.
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Old 02-07-2007, 22:07   #20
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

This is the thread. He wasn't being lazy. He'd already tried changing the batteries and that hadn't solved the problem.

lol you beat me to it Lesley.

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Old 03-07-2007, 07:20   #21
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Small watch battery type thing thats held in place in two clips. You pull it out with a knife or a flat headed screw driver carefully and it resets the BIOS, so it resets your time and everything so to speak.
You shouldn't do it on a regular basis but it helps normally for bad shutdowns like the one the threads about.
You'll find that they aren't very easy to get to on laptops though. It is quite a scary task trying to dismantle a laptop (I've been building/mucking about with PCs since my 286 with 1M RAM) as they have more tiny screws than a don't know what. Some 'good' manufacturers provide a small flap that you can undo to get at them but the vast majority don't.

Its actually perfectly OK to do this as often as you want as long as you can be bothered to set the BIOS up again. You should consider that there is a lot more in a BIOS than date and time, get it wrong and that shiny wizzy bang system will not perorm to its best which is a complete waste of money. Come to think about it no-one performs system tuning any more, we used to do all sorts of 'tweaks' to squeeze a little bit extra oomph from our PCs, you lot nowadays are spoilt rotten with oodles of spare CPU/memory Unless of course you've installed Vista )

I doubt this will fix it for HR though. The fact that shes booted the initial stages of windows and it reboots from a BSOD suggests windows itself has had a hissy fit. It could mean that there are some bad sectors on her hard drive that are starting to fail and this is causing teh problem, I know her 'friend' has more than half a clue so he will no doubt check for stuff like this anyway

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Old 03-07-2007, 15:24   #22
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
You'll find that they aren't very easy to get to on laptops though. It is quite a scary task trying to dismantle a laptop (I've been building/mucking about with PCs since my 286 with 1M RAM) as they have more tiny screws than a don't know what. Some 'good' manufacturers provide a small flap that you can undo to get at them but the vast majority don't.

Its actually perfectly OK to do this as often as you want as long as you can be bothered to set the BIOS up again. You should consider that there is a lot more in a BIOS than date and time, get it wrong and that shiny wizzy bang system will not perorm to its best which is a complete waste of money. Come to think about it no-one performs system tuning any more, we used to do all sorts of 'tweaks' to squeeze a little bit extra oomph from our PCs, you lot nowadays are spoilt rotten with oodles of spare CPU/memory Unless of course you've installed Vista )

I doubt this will fix it for HR though. The fact that shes booted the initial stages of windows and it reboots from a BSOD suggests windows itself has had a hissy fit. It could mean that there are some bad sectors on her hard drive that are starting to fail and this is causing teh problem, I know her 'friend' has more than half a clue so he will no doubt check for stuff like this anyway
Woah woah woah i only said take the battery pask out of the laptop, not dismantle it. Thats what worked for mine you see and i've not had any problems since.
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Old 03-07-2007, 15:26   #23
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
thanks all for comments, the battery pack isn't in blazey it was plugged into mains...spoke to friend (who won't charge me a penny) and he is going to sort it wednesday...don't worry he has said about removing everything first before resetting (computers are his livelihood too)...and yes ian it does have the licence sticker on the lap top for windows so we're ok there.

thanks once again
Your laptops obviously different to mine then, mine wont run without the battery in. Mines not the same make as yours though either.
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Old 03-07-2007, 16:09   #24
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!

There seems to be some confusion from what you've posted, teh main battery on a laptop has nowt to do with teh BIOS (or CMOS), both laptops and desktops utilise a small watch style battery to keep information like date, time, hard disk config etc when its turned off. your post mentioned removing a battery and then went on to talking about resetting BIOS. In this case it was a reasonable point to make that laptop CMOS batteries aren't that accessible.

Anyways, anyhow, I'm sure HR will get there by hook or by crook

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