03-07-2007, 15:24
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Re: lap top not starting up!!!!
Originally Posted by entwisi
You'll find that they aren't very easy to get to on laptops though. It is quite a scary task trying to dismantle a laptop (I've been building/mucking about with PCs since my 286 with 1M RAM) as they have more tiny screws than a don't know what. Some 'good' manufacturers provide a small flap that you can undo to get at them but the vast majority don't.
Its actually perfectly OK to do this as often as you want as long as you can be bothered to set the BIOS up again. You should consider that there is a lot more in a BIOS than date and time, get it wrong and that shiny wizzy bang system will not perorm to its best which is a complete waste of money. Come to think about it no-one performs system tuning any more, we used to do all sorts of 'tweaks' to squeeze a little bit extra oomph from our PCs, you lot nowadays are spoilt rotten with oodles of spare CPU/memory Unless of course you've installed Vista  )
I doubt this will fix it for HR though. The fact that shes booted the initial stages of windows and it reboots from a BSOD suggests windows itself has had a hissy fit. It could mean that there are some bad sectors on her hard drive that are starting to fail and this is causing teh problem, I know her 'friend' has more than half a clue so he will no doubt check for stuff like this anyway
Woah woah woah i only said take the battery pask out of the laptop, not dismantle it. Thats what worked for mine you see and i've not had any problems since.