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10-12-2015, 22:41
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Laptop problem
10-12-2015, 22:50
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Re: Laptop problem
What browser are you using and is it, flash and java up to date?
10-12-2015, 23:17
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Re: Laptop problem
Sorry for the delay in answering you but the Accringtonweb is not responding to a long running script now !!!!! It is Google I'm using. Everything else should be ok because as I said it has only just been checked over and I know the guy who did it so if he says he has done something I can believe him. My son put Windows10 on it a while back and I have to say I have not liked it.
11-12-2015, 09:41
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Re: Laptop problem
Haven`t used Chrome but had a similar problem with Firefox that went away after updating Flash and Java although after googling it seems it can also be caused by add-ons not working as they should, you could try temporarily disabling any you have running.
You can check your Java version here - https://www.java.com/en/
And Flash here - https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ (untick the Mcafee box if you don`t want it installed)
Last edited by gpick24; 11-12-2015 at 09:43.
11-12-2015, 10:48
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Re: Laptop problem
Originally Posted by Rowlf
Sorry for the delay in answering you but the Accringtonweb is not responding to a long running script now !!!!! It is Google I'm using. Everything else should be ok because as I said it has only just been checked over and I know the guy who did it so if he says he has done something I can believe him. My son put Windows10 on it a while back and I have to say I have not liked it.
Get rid of windows 10 I did. I had all sorts of problems with it
11-12-2015, 12:03
Beacon of light
Re: Laptop problem
I also had recent problems with firefox.......followed Gpicks advice and was sorted fairly quickly.
So you didn't get along with Windows 10 Frank?
I was thinking of putting it on my desk top......every time I log off and come back on I get the reminder from Microsoft that I can upgrade to Windows 10.
Now I am having second thoughts.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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11-12-2015, 12:49
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Re: Laptop problem
I've just had my PC in for a system clean up and a small problem sorting out.
He knows it, he built it.
He said 'Shall I install 10 for you while I have it'. I was dreading trying so I said yes.
It took him 2 days to sort out the problems it started. I brought it home on Wednesday, mouse didn't work,no sound, can only print the left hand side of an e mail.
Took it back in, sorted(?) came home, sound on but very quiet, still print problem with e mail,having to use an old Dell mouse.
He's coming here to sort it sometime.
If an expert has these problems what chance have old fogies like me got?
11-12-2015, 13:57
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Re: Laptop problem
Thanks Gpicks. I will try that.
11-12-2015, 15:49
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Re: Laptop problem
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I also had recent problems with firefox.......followed Gpicks advice and was sorted fairly quickly.
So you didn't get along with Windows 10 Frank?
I was thinking of putting it on my desk top......every time I log off and come back on I get the reminder from Microsoft that I can upgrade to Windows 10.
Now I am having second thoughts.
I hated windows 10 from the beginning and reverted back to windows 8
11-12-2015, 18:17
Beacon of light
Re: Laptop problem
My neighbour loaded it and had problems and came to me to help her out...and I thought I was a dummy...anyway sorted it and she has gone back to windows 7
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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11-12-2015, 18:27
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Re: Laptop problem
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
I hated windows 10 from the beginning and reverted back to windows 8
Same with us. I put it on both our LTs, tried it for a couple of weeks and we both decided we didn't like it at all so we reverted back to W7, our original installation.
It does all we want, very familiar with it, don't need anything more.
Same with phones, bought a couple of Android ones, much too complicated as we only need voice and text - OK, the camera is useful, so we dumped the Android ones and went back to basic Nokia. Battery charge life much longer, and provides what we want.
12-12-2015, 09:53
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Re: Laptop problem
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Same with us. I put it on both our LTs, tried it for a couple of weeks and we both decided we didn't like it at all so we reverted back to W7, our original installation.
It does all we want, very familiar with it, don't need anything more.
Same with phones, bought a couple of Android ones, much too complicated as we only need voice and text - OK, the camera is useful, so we dumped the Android ones and went back to basic Nokia. Battery charge life much longer, and provides what we want.
My wife will not part with her basic nokia. All she does is text and very occasionally ring.
12-12-2015, 11:31
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Re: Laptop problem
running windows 10 no problem now but on first installing I found I had to update and re-install a lot of programmes
17-12-2015, 21:46
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Re: Laptop problem
Windows10 is great... turn off a bit of the crap and its much better than 8.....
Rowlf do you have a virus killer AVG/AVAST? do a scan...
also try malwarebytes https://www.malwarebytes.org/ and check for malware.. WIN10 is NOT your problem...something else is
Also.. are you using GOOGLE as a browser (EXAMPLE: GOOGLE CHROME) or are you using it to search (EXAMPLE: USING CRAPPY INTERNET EXPLORER AND GOING TO GOOGLE.COM) sorry for what might appear to be stupid questions...
Last edited by Restless; 17-12-2015 at 21:48.
17-12-2015, 22:12
Beacon of light
Re: Laptop problem
Rob, just out of interest ...which browser and search engine do you use?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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