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Old 24-03-2005, 21:49   #1
Senior Member+
vorlon24's Avatar

Messenger query

I got an email, stating that someone wants to talk to me.

I have been given instructions to download messenger (which I have already, and been using it for some months now) and add them to my contacts.

Has anyone else had unsolicited emails like this?

Is this some ploy to try and get access to my PC, or will my av and firewall keep them out anyway?

Or is there some other purpose to this?
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 24-03-2005, 22:11   #2
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Re: Messenger query

Is this msn?
Can you not do a member search for the person that sent you an email?
Most of the time you will get an alert message stating that someone has added you to their messenger and you can accept or deny,when you log into your messenger or when your computer starts up and messenger starts automatically.
What is the link to download messenger?........go to and check what the address download page is for downloading MESSENGER and does it match? might be a bit different but just check.
Like any email at the moment always check?
I suggest doing a member check first!!


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Old 24-03-2005, 22:49   #3
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Re: Messenger query

The email address that they sent the mail to was not the address I use for Messenger.

I am considering deleting and ignoring it
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 25-03-2005, 00:12   #4
I am Banned


Re: Messenger query

I wouldnt do or respond to anything i wasnt sure about if its that important they my make themselves known to u altho it could be genuine the thought of the person using messenger to know when u is online as for improper means is a possiblity but wise to use your own judgment. At least if its anyone ere then they know to make themselves known LOL!
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Old 25-03-2005, 00:13   #5
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Re: Messenger query

I would just delete it and forget about it Vorlon they aren't worth opening with all the silly bugs, virus's and spyware going about.
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Old 25-03-2005, 07:25   #6
Aquarius's Avatar

Re: Messenger query

I have also received a similar message from some-one with the name mickbadger, I just deleted it.
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Old 25-03-2005, 15:06   #7
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Re: Messenger query

I dont blame you........I have highlighted 2 emails this week on here,so folks just be wary of what you are clicking!

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Old 30-03-2005, 23:20   #8
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Re: Messenger query

this is what may have happened

when adding people to msn it sometimes tells you that the person you are trying to add dose not use messanger and that you can email them recomending that they download msn

this can happen even if you are already using msn so an email is generated telling you that somone tried adding you and recomends you download msn

if you have your email account listed in your profile people may try adding yu and get that message and send you a generated email asking you to doenload msn and add them to your contacts

i generaly add their email then as soon as i see tham online ask them who they are with the clear point been made that they have 30 seconds to introduce themnselves or they get blocked and deleted from my contacts
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Old 31-03-2005, 09:24   #9
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Re: Messenger query

Personally I wouldn't allow anyone I don't know to become a buddy and I'm on the impervious 'Super OS'.

I've enough people to keep track of never mind adding people I don't even know!

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