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Old 31-03-2008, 21:23   #1
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New Laptop

I bought a new laptop in Sept of last year from Comet.
The item has a twelve month guarantee.
In November it packed up and when I explained to the tech guy he said sounds like a hard disk falure.
I took the item back to Comet and they sent it back to the manufacturers for repair.....Fujitsu....Three weeks later Comet rang to say that the laptop could not be repaired as liquid had been introduced at some stage to the keyboard and because of that the guarantee was nul and void and it would cost 400.00 GDP (I have got to that, my Spanish key board does not have a pound sign) to have it repaired............not only that, I was told I would have to pay 90 pounds to get the computer back.
I knew of no liquid that had been introduced at all....when you get something new you may get a few teething problems but you don't pour water on it.
I went to Comet and asked for an Engineers report on the findings and as of today I have not had that.
Comet I must say have been very helpful and when they saw that the Engineer at Fujitsu had no intentions of furnishing a report they gave me my useless laptop back without paying the 90 pounds.
Having said that I paid the purchase price for the laptop to Comet?
I am thinking of taking this to the small claims court in order to get my money back.
I have been in Spain and have not had the chance to pursue the matter.....has anyone got any useful advice?
And no smart Aleks comments please.
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Old 31-03-2008, 21:31   #2
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Re: New Laptop

I know a person who tried to "break" a laptop with water. they finally did it by submerging it. "some fluid" would, I think, would have to be a lot to stop it working. Have you tried getting someone else to look at it? A second opinion.
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Old 31-03-2008, 21:41   #3
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Re: New Laptop

Originally Posted by slim-T View Post
I know a person who tried to "break" a laptop with water. they finally did it by submerging it. "some fluid" would, I think, would have to be a lot to stop it working. Have you tried getting someone else to look at it? A second opinion.
Thanks for that..... but I dont agree with spending more money that the 400 odd pounds that I spent for the thing....If the Engineer is not willing to provide a report......or can't remember...or has no paperwork?......I think I have a strong case to take it to court and let them pay the expenses?
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:08   #4
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Re: New Laptop

Hiya Roy

Right, firstly the first 12 months warranty should be free return to base warranty, as far as I'm aware (I dont work for Fujitsu but for a better competitor lol) and so you should in now way have to pay £90 to get YOUR property back.

I would speak directly with Fujitsu about this. At the end of the day, theres nothing to say a COMET employee didnt spill something over the keyboard when it was with them and their responsibility.

Have they explained what the £400 is for? Ie new motherboard? etc. I would ask for the reference number that comet had been supplied with, and take it up with Fujitsu directly. Did you get any extra cover?

I know that with the laptop manufacturer I work for, There is a membrane under the keyboard to stop any liquid or foreign objects interfering with the internal workings. I would ask if any of the seals had been tampered with, if these are intact, you should be ok.

Hope that this helps.
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Old 01-04-2008, 08:58   #5
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Re: New Laptop

absolutely agree with onlyme. state clearly that at no time under your ownership was liqued spilt on it and that if that is the case then it has happened outside your care. As teh only other place it was with yourselves it must be such that it happened under their care.

Your contract is with Comet though. Irrespective of what they tell you UK Sale of Goods act clearly defines the resposibility lies with Comet to sort it. go to them and explain that you require a replacement or repaired laptop asap or small claims proceedings will be started.

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Old 01-04-2008, 09:05   #6
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Re: New Laptop

I would get trading standards involved, even the threat can sometimes make the retailer do the right thing but if you give them a call, they will advise you the best coure of action to take and what to say to the retailer when you contact them / go into the store. Make sure when you ring trading standards though that you get the reference number for you complaint with them. Then should you get no luck with the retailer go back to ts, give then your ref and they will then take on your case and deal with the retailer on your behalf. (I used to work on customer services for a furniture retailer but I know that the laws regarding warranties etc are not that different and I also know what happens when trading standards get involved lol)
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:23   #7
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Re: New Laptop

Fujitsu .........mmmm sounds right, would be worth persuing if you could - good laptops when working but when they dont & especially when u find that a replaceable part was soildered to the motherboard rendering it knackered !!

Has put me off fujitsu's ripoffness so you could have a point. Persue thro whoever has your laptop, simular thing happened to a mate of mine with sony, eventually after several serious letters & threats got item back without charge & repaired.


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Old 01-04-2008, 09:46   #8
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Re: New Laptop

For the first 30 days, the responsibilty is with the retailer for a full swap out. After that time, it is the manufacturers warranty that kicks into force
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:50   #9
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Re: New Laptop

Try this link royboy39 Trading Standards Central - Trading Standards and Consumer Protection information for the UK
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Old 01-04-2008, 09:57   #10
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Re: New Laptop

Thanks for that good people....I have taken all that on board.
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Old 01-04-2008, 20:36   #11
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Re: New Laptop

Take it to Computeractive....this magazine sorts out all kinds of computer problems and they often get results where others have failed......they may even get the engineers report for you.They have a page called Consumeractive...and they stick up for your rights.
[email protected]

Hope this helps and i hope you get sorted soon.
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Old 01-04-2008, 21:27   #12
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Re: New Laptop

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Take it to Computeractive....this magazine sorts out all kinds of computer problems and they often get results where others have failed......they may even get the engineers report for you.They have a page called Consumeractive...and they stick up for your rights.
[email protected]

Hope this helps and i hope you get sorted soon.
Thanks for that Margeret.....Can't stand being ripped off
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:20   #13
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Re: New Laptop

Me neither.......Good luck. Keep us posted.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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