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Old 14-06-2004, 16:47   #16
God Member
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Re: No sound

Thanks everyone for your help.

I now have sound again. I ended up taking it to the repair shop in Rishton (use-it)
I was having problems installing windows XP it kept hanging due to some other software conflicting with it. I was on the phone with a Microsoft engineer for 3hrs trying to sort the problem. It was decided the best thing to do was dump everything, have it flattened and start from scratch but I didn’t have the original windows 98 disc to perform that, so I took it back to the place where I bought it from and they did it for me. As a consequence I got my sound back. There wasn’t a problem with the sound card, thank God. It must have been some doggy software. This all started after I picked up a worm from an e-mail I opened.

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