17-10-2012, 22:44
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Re: pc wont boot up
I was very drunk that night. Me and a couple of friends shared 2 bottles of whiskey, cider and beers(think I even tried a can of Special Brew(my friend actually likes it).
Hangover for two days. Mixing drinks not advisable!
I had fallen asleep on the spinny chair. How I stayed on the chair is beyond me. I woke up with cramp in the back of my leg. It happens a few times a year. In the process I booted the pc about 5 feet(it was a long desk i had at the time)
Falling asleep drunk.... One summer it was unbearably hot&humid and I lay down the fan I had at the time and put my face to it; I Fell asleep like that for about 4 hours.
Back on topic? hehe