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11-03-2004, 19:15
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Can anyone tell me how to make a PDF doc, so that it opens as soon as it's clicked on a web page, rather than have the save or open file box appear?
12-03-2004, 09:58
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Re: Pdf
the user needs adobs acrobat installed. If it is then make sure that it is associated with .pdf files.
12-03-2004, 10:18
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Re: Pdf
I know that
But Ive just got the facility to write a PDF as well though, and possibly want to have PDFs in certain of my web pages.
What I want is to have a document open automatically on click, like a lot do, rather than be prompted by a save or open box.
12-03-2004, 10:43
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Re: Pdf
so only pc users with pdf installed can see the content.. people on other than a pc can't see it. people without the ability to have a pdf reader can't see it.
why would you want to hide content from a percentage of your visitors?
12-03-2004, 10:53
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Re: Pdf
I don't! I just wanted to stop the grey prompt box coming up when I clicked the link to the pdf, but I've been testing it in a web page and it's opening straight away now anyway.
Possibly something in my settings stopped that last time I tried
12-03-2004, 11:36
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Re: Pdf
probably was a setting problem. You can force a file to be rendered on screen rather than prompt but that involves sending http headers i.e. the content-disposition header. Most people have the opposite problem and actually want the save dialog box.
As for anyone, well you can get adobe acrobat for most platforms rather than just pc. however I do find the use of PDF's a little annoying. They are ok if you are getting forms and things of a site but for content that could just as easily be HTML it is annoying.
12-03-2004, 12:01
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Re: Pdf
Yeah, one of the things I wanted it for was an online CV, profiles & such, rather than have to refomat the whole docs. Firms interested would have the facility to read it I'm sure.
Never actually thought about people not being able to access a pdf document to be honest, as I've always had Acrobat reader on my computer, and assumed most people did!

12-03-2004, 13:47
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Re: Pdf
Most people will not have acrobat because it doesn't come as standard with a computer. It really is that simple. It is pretty standard kit and a lot of people use it. However a lot of people either can't or will not. Thre are hundreds of millions of people using the www. around 40 million in this country have access to the www. Image how many people 1% or 5% or 10% is. then realise how many people (the so called minority) can't see a pdf file . When the so called minority can be counted in millions it's time to think of them eh
The WWW should be for everyone. Not just users with the latest add ons. Not everyone uses a PC to access the internet and they should not be descriminated against.
Just constructive feedback lass 
12-03-2004, 14:10
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Re: Pdf
The pages I was thinking of doing aren't ones I want to put on "general release," so not discriminating against anybody!
Just putting some stuff together on a couple of pages, so I can contact a few people and give them the URL.
They would have access to my CV and profile in PDF format and all my other links and info would be on there.
The people I would be contacting, being firms, would be highly unlikely not to have PDF capability I would have thought.
Thanks for the feedback on the figures though.

02-04-2004, 13:49
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Re: Pdf
The reason for using PDF is that it will render the same irrespective of platform/browser. Browsers will show different layout from the same HTML page. And thats before we get onto different Operating systems. As regards to it being a standard or not PDF has been around for years. Good web designers who wish to use PDF to ensure layout should include a link to download the viewer.
02-04-2004, 13:57
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Re: Pdf
Absoloute rubbish.. All browsers can read html.. Not all computers on the internet can use pdf.. either they havent got it installed because they dont want third party software.. or they dont have permission or there computer simply cant handle pdf software.. not all computer systems can... Yet they can all handle html
To say it will render the same on all browsers is totally wrong as not all browsers will show it.. To say it works on all operating systems as you "suggest" is wrong because it doesnt.
It may work on everything you own, have tried or know about... but it certainly isnt fully cross browser, cross OS or backward compatible
The above is not my opinion.. it is rock solid facts
Yeeer 1-0 to me boohooo I win 
02-04-2004, 14:16
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Re: Pdf
i think PDF is used so u cant copy the text, like a picture, but u can still edit it easily urself.
02-04-2004, 14:41
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Re: Pdf
Eeeerm if its on the internet then it can be copied .. But you mean cant cut and paste? well I think you can if you ahve the full version and not just the reader 
02-04-2004, 15:10
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Re: Pdf
ah my bad 
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