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07-12-2008, 18:23
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Ubuntu 8.04
Some months ago Ian pursuaded me to try Linux, obtained a free version on a CD. Ian showed me the programm on his laptop, said it was just like windoze only more stable. Tried it for now for the 3rd time, this times its got past all the barriers and installed itself within windoze.
What good is it, can't find any of the programs I'm used to using.
I use Photoshop Pro every day, and windoze explorer to view and print he results. Tried all the buttons on the tool bar.Can't access any thing, so I ask again what good is it ?.
07-12-2008, 18:27
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Applications>Graphics>Gimp takes some getting used too but it does the same trick.
None of the programs are the same but you can find equivalents
07-12-2008, 19:12
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
"Photoshop Pro" ? Never heard of it.
Photoshop CS runs perfectly on Ubuntu using Wine.
07-12-2008, 20:14
Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by SamF
Photoshop CS runs perfectly on Ubuntu using Wine.
What is the point of installing Linux because it is so good and then running WIndows applications in it  
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07-12-2008, 20:20
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
yes, as other have said, stop thinking I need to use Phtoshop and start thinking I need to edit a picture
There is far more to good software than a single program for the job. Competition breeds improvements.
07-12-2008, 20:55
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Sorry fellas
But at my age its not easy to learn new programs, especially having got used to photoshop pro and win explore, for what I do. I was under the impression, that I would be able to continue using my existing programs.
Can I import my programs into ubuntu, without having to go for all the other stuff, like wine, susie and a load of others. Yes or No.
07-12-2008, 21:00
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Sorry fellas
But at my age its not easy to learn new programs, especially having got used to photoshop pro and win explore, for what I do. I was under the impression, that I would be able to continue using my existing programs.
Can I import my programs into ubuntu, without having to go for all the other stuff, like wine, susie and a load of others. Yes or No.
In a word - No
But you could run them through wine or a VM (Virtual Machine) having Linux and Windows open together
07-12-2008, 21:06
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by Neil
What is the point of installing Linux because it is so good and then running WIndows applications in it  
Originally Posted by entwisi
yes, as other have said, stop thinking I need to use Phtoshop and start thinking I need to edit a picture
There is far more to good software than a single program for the job. Competition breeds improvements.
The adobe suite is actually built with mac it's ideal "home"
And whereas in most other areas I would agree with you linux can often produce software which is of a equal or better standard to that used on other OS's it is a simple fact that the software in the Adobe Creative Suite is well ahead of any competition.
07-12-2008, 21:40
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Sorry fellas
But at my age its not easy to learn new programs, especially having got used to photoshop pro and win explore, for what I do. I was under the impression, that I would be able to continue using my existing programs.
Can I import my programs into ubuntu, without having to go for all the other stuff, like wine, susie and a load of others. Yes or No.
Nope, I did tell you that programs wouldn't work.
Windows programmes aren't the be all and end all, there are some absolutely stunning apps under Linux and you don't need to worry about security anything like Windows.
I'd agree adobe are quite good generally however they aren't cheap. A legit copy of Photoshop is horrendeously expensive.
07-12-2008, 21:52
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Any programs you use in Windows you can most likely find an alternative program HERE
07-12-2008, 23:12
Re: Ubuntu 8.04
I had this discussion with a sales chap in toys r us. He was trying to convince me that an eeepc with Linux on would be a good buy for my wife's friend for her son to use for his homework. Even when I explained that his school use Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 he still said it was a good machine for his homework. I told him that he would be learning with one application at school then have to learn another one at home - talk about a blinkered Linux biased opinion.
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07-12-2008, 23:55
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by Neil
I had this discussion with a sales chap in toys r us. He was trying to convince me that an eeepc with Linux on would be a good buy for my wife's friend for her son to use for his homework. Even when I explained that his school use Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 he still said it was a good machine for his homework. I told him that he would be learning with one application at school then have to learn another one at home - talk about a blinkered Linux biased opinion.
Openoffice is fully compatible with M$ office o_O
08-12-2008, 00:19
Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Originally Posted by SamF
Openoffice is fully compatible with M$ office o_O
Except Powerpoint
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08-12-2008, 05:34
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Besides eeePC's are about as easy to type with as a cat.
Retlaw most people who desperately need to use the exact same application use Wine to run it with no problems. However I when on Windows I actually use the Linux equivalent to photoshop as K.S.H pointed out, GIMP. It's completely free and no, not as feature rich as photoshop, but it does everything that I require from a picture editing point of view.
formerly cyfr
08-12-2008, 09:26
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Re: Ubuntu 8.04
Err, I'm pretty sure Powerpoint is compatible to some degree, Access has no direct comparison but BTH who would want a compatible as its a damned awful DB.
However, if you do some serious stuff in spreedsheets you usually end up using VBA( Visual Basic for Applications ) to some degree which isn't compatible in OO.
Then you get that age old fly in the ointment that is Publisher, why anyone uses it is a complete mystery to me as hardly anyone you want to send the files to has it and its not easy to convert to any other format. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a Publisher viewer like there is a powerpoint viewer.
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