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Old 20-05-2005, 13:19   #1
Coffin Dodger.

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Question virus warning

during the next several weeks be VERY cautious about opening or launching any e-mails that refer to the world trade centre or9/11 in any way,regardless of who sent it for those who don't know WTC stands for world trade centre.really dangerous because people will open it right away,thinking its a story relating to9/11 BIGGG TROUBLE!!!!DO NOT OPEN" WTC SURVIVOR"it is a virus that will erase your whole"c" will come to you in the form of an e-mail from a a familiar person.i repeat a friend sent it to me,but called and warned me before i opened it he was not so lucky and now he can't even start his computer!forward this to everyone in your address book i would rather recieve this 25 times than not at all so if you do recieve an e-mail "WTC Survivor" do NOT open it delete it right away! this virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from your computor,PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE. this is an e-mail i recieved last night from a buisness collegue,and good friend.this is not a P**S TAKE ignore at your peril,thought i should warn everyone regards.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-05-2005, 13:30   #2
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Re: virus warning

thanks cashman will keep my eyes open.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 20-05-2005, 13:32   #3
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Re: virus warning

Thanks for the warning cashy
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Old 20-05-2005, 15:16   #4
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Re: virus warning

Thanks for the is best to be aware of what is out there.
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Old 20-05-2005, 15:27   #5
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Re: virus warning

That's lovely, but its a hoax

Here's a couple of links:


"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 20-05-2005, 15:40   #6
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Re: virus warning

What kind of pleasure do the hoaxers get out of stuff like this........?
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Old 20-05-2005, 15:44   #7
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Re: virus warning

Almost the same as actually propagating an actual virus, I expect
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 20-05-2005, 15:47   #8

WINGY's Avatar

Re: virus warning

Well personally i wouldn't trust Symantec as far as i could throw em!!
2 people i know have had Norton anivirus on their pc's and had "serious internal errors" resulting in major probs with their computers.
Only my oppinion of course, but i tend to go with what i can see.
[email protected]

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Old 20-05-2005, 15:51   #9
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Re: virus warning

Cheers for that wingy, we currently use norton!!!!!!(I better bloody watch out)
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Old 20-05-2005, 15:56   #10
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Re: virus warning

I have Norton anti-virus on my machine......around about this time last year my operating system was wiped out by a virus.......I had been way in Oz for 6months and my virus protection had not been up-dated in that I guess it was partly my fault.

It was a very expensive learning curve.

If Norton is not so good Wingy.....what do you use.....?
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Old 20-05-2005, 16:07   #11
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Re: virus warning

That's why I put up a couple of links - if you type in wtc survivor in google it brings up further search results as well.

I had heard of this before, so I already knew it was a hoax, but you may find it useful to copy and paste some of the text of the warning email into google and see what you come up with.

I tend to do this automatically - you don't tend to get caught out that way.

It reminds me of the 'teddy bear' emails that were going around a couple of years ago - it directed you to delete a file which had an icon that looked like a teddy bear (another one was an 'evil' black icon), which was in fact a Windows System file.

Half of the office where I was working had deleted their files before I could stop them. I spent the next couple of hours repairing the damage!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

Last edited by vorlon24; 20-05-2005 at 16:22. Reason: typo - meant hoax, not virus (italicised edit)
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Old 20-05-2005, 16:20   #12
Beacon of light

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Re: virus warning must be very comforting to know what you are doing with a day.....maybe one day .........I might just feel like that.
Until then I have to rely on Norton to be a shield.
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Old 20-05-2005, 16:25   #13
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Re: virus warning

Believe me, Marg, I know very little when it comes to computers.

I only got the IT job where I was working by accident - I was discussing cookies with someone over lunch, and someone decided that I knew far more about computers than anyone else in the company (which was true!), but compared to the likes of Entwisi, I am clueless.

Maybe I should be on the 'considered dangerous' list (a little knowledge...)!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 20-05-2005, 19:09   #14

WINGY's Avatar

Re: virus warning

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I have Norton anti-virus on my machine......around about this time last year my operating system was wiped out by a virus.......I had been way in Oz for 6months and my virus protection had not been up-dated in that I guess it was partly my fault.

It was a very expensive learning curve.

If Norton is not so good Wingy.....what do you use.....?
Bare in mind that thats only my oppinion, some people may swear by it, but i like to be my own judge where possible.
I've been using Panda for the last 12 months and had no probs at all
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Old 20-05-2005, 19:12   #15
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Re: virus warning

Panda is not one I've heard of.

A lot of people tend to use Norton, but that's because it's pretty much the only one that *cough cough* PC World *cough cough* sell.
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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