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30-01-2007, 22:50
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Re: Vista
Hang on! 2gig of ram or this app starts paging the hard disc.. I know its all progress but you can stick it!
30-01-2007, 22:51
Resident Waffler
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Re: Vista
So if I had a website do you mean I wouldn't be able to edit it? I'm rapidly going off this vista.
30-01-2007, 22:52
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Re: Vista
I take it its a newer version of or something like media centre 2005 ed?
30-01-2007, 22:55
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Re: Vista
I get the feeling this would be more at home in the "real life scams" sticky thread 
30-01-2007, 22:57
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Re: Vista
Trouble is that with the buying of new systems poor sods are gonna be lumbered with this vista 
30-01-2007, 22:58
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Re: Vista
Maybe there'll be some nice cheap PCs for sale with the good old XP on them?
30-01-2007, 23:00
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Re: Vista
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Maybe there'll be some nice cheap PCs for sale with the good old XP on them?
If there is let me know LOL!! Was sceptical about Xp at 1st but have to say im rather impressed with it once passed the validation process LOL
Im even more sceptical about this vista tho!!!
30-01-2007, 23:13
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Re: Vista
Let me clarify,
1) Willow, no problems, webites are just html docs, domains is a word used more than once in IT, you get used to it after a while
2) 1 gig is enough for vista, yes it hungry and a lot of people don't have 1 gig but to say it needs 2 gig is downright a lie (and you all know how anti M$ I am)
3) yes it teh 'new' version of windows just liek XP was new about 5 years ago
4) it is far more 'secure' than XP and for a non techincal user should protect them a lot more than XP does. However the 'cost' of this is that techie users find it extremely intrusive when you want to do stuff.
5) you only have cover on XP for ~2 more years and then you will be on Vista like it or not, think like you were still using win 95 today, thats what it will be like.
the big issues being discussed are HD playback and DRM . now thats is what will be interesting over the next 6 months
30-01-2007, 23:27
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Re: Vista
Originally Posted by entwisi
Let me clarify,
1) Willow, no problems, webites are just html docs, domains is a word used more than once in IT, you get used to it after a while
Could you enlighten us lesser beings as to what you actually mean then cos I'm flummoxed.
30-01-2007, 23:34
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Re: Vista
A website is officially called a 'domain'
in Windows, you set up 'domains' which if you like set out boundaries of a certain set of network resources.
e.g. in Websphere Applicatin server a domain means something different again
I'm sure that there are other uses of 'domain' in IT, i'll thinkj of them later
31-01-2007, 00:10
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Re: Vista
Originally Posted by entwisi
A website is officially called a 'domain'
Y'see that's what I was thinking in terms of.
31-01-2007, 11:43
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Re: Vista
Vista ultimate has like nothing worth the extra £130 .. the few things extra you can get free from 3rd parties anyway..
Hopefully people will start looking at Linux as a real alternative now, Vista takes up a huge amount of resources and really dosn't offer much for the price to say Linux is completely free!
formerly cyfr
31-01-2007, 12:29
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Re: Vista
The new system was also launched in America yesterday, where it will cost between $100 and $249 (£51 to £127) depending on the sophistication of the version, whereas in this country it will be priced from £100 to £249, almost exactly twice as much.
Can your computer handle Vista?
The minimum specifications for a PC that Microsoft claims Vista will run on:
• 800MHz processor
• 512Mb memory
• DirectX9 capable graphics processor
For what is called the Premium Ready status, the following is the recommended minimum:
• 1Ghz processor
• 1Gb memory
• 128Mb graphics memory
• 40Gb hard drive
• Internet access
To tell if your machine will run the new software, visit www.microsoft.com and download a program which will analyse your computer and offer advice on whether it can handle the new Vista system. 
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01-02-2007, 08:00
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Re: Vista
Looks like teh DRM stuff has pretty much been beaten as well. Things are looking up
Bill Gates was asked why its double teh price in teh UK to America. "We try and keep our prices teh same but I haven't been following the currency markets to notice and changes that may have affected this" he says, #
Errr..... Bill, its been over $1.90 to the pound for nearly a year now!!!
01-02-2007, 08:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Vista
Originally Posted by entwisi
Looks like teh DRM stuff has pretty much been beaten as well. Things are looking up 
For anyone like me that either couldn't remember or didn't know what DRM stands for heres a link.
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