Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Now I might be wrong here, but wasn't Windows 10 developed for phones?(relying on touch screens)
Wrong yes. Its designed to be the last operating system release but with continuous development. Basically, you pay once for windows and later you will be given choice whether or not you want the new features(from what I gather, I havent read too much about it) as they are devoloped
Windows 8 looked to be that way, with its stupid full screen thing(which i didnt mind personally, I just ignored it existed). Ok on a tablet; I guess it worked, but the tablet versions of windows (surface for example) was not the same version of windows 8 that was on the pc. It was Windows RT and RT is a pile of ****e. Didn't run all the programs a PC can and that is a killer for a windows tablet. I believe the latest version of the Surface has a full blown copy of windows, and I think RT is officially dead(we can only hope)
Win8- People hated that metro screen and wanted the start menu back. In 10 They kinda made the start menu a combination of what it was originally, the tiles from the full screen metro shell(pointless, I removed them) and a little bit of the siri type search thing(that tracks your input, of which you turn off in the settings)
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I do not use a smart phone..... although I use an iPad, much of my crafting is done using a desk top.
The above statement IMHO is slightly contradictory. In a sense you have a smartphone already.
OK perhaps not. But what if we politely call them smart devices, then the ipad/iphone becomes much a similar thing. Its the same OS(iOS) and both do all the things you would need to do on a smartphone. These days with things such as facebook messenger, whatsapp and other things, who necessarily needs phone credit to contact people. You can use your home broadband to connect and a lot of the time the quality is much better using voip. Only real difference is the specs, size and a few other things. If you was to buy a smartphone, I would think it would be an iphone, you wouldn't even have to learn to use it. I haven't owned one, but ive used one, I have had two ipads(had an ipad mini and it was awful, but now I have an ipad pro and its fantastic!) and an ipod touch and they are all the same on the
Pedantic I know. But debatable all the same
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
You have (comparative) youth on your side too. Makes adapting to new stuff easier. You are male too. All of these things mean you are far more tech savvy than us old duffers.
If I may be so bold, I call that a Cop-Out. Mum is closing in on 70 in a few years and she does fine with her android phones
My dad on the other hand.... I remember when DVD's came out and mum had to record them onto video, because he couldn't figure out how to use the DVD player and a few years ago he compared a faulty DVD to a VHS and said "DVD is rubbish, videos never used to stop and start and go back to the beginning" All I could think about was using that tracking button all the time to get the lines off the screen
Shorter version of the above paragraph would've read - Cop-Out. Don't sell your self short. But ive only been typing for 50 hours this week. Why not carry on a bit longer hehe
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I will stick with Windows 7 for as long as I can.Who knows by 2020 I may have saved up enough for a Mac OS.......
If it still works...... Why not