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14-04-2014, 09:39
Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Studio25
I feel the same way about MediaStudio Pro - which had been bought by Corel and they decided to kill it off when Vista came out rather than make it compatible.
Is that not a bit like saying they killed Office 95 when they brought out Office 97. I found the 2 versions so different it was like using someone elses software altogether
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14-04-2014, 15:26
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Re: Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by accyman
Using win2000/me IS a problem. Ugh horrible os
15-04-2014, 08:43
Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
2000 was the best operating system available at the time. Don't even mention Linux, it was for geeks and weirdos then, come to think of it, it still is 
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15-04-2014, 12:21
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Re: Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Neil
2000 was the best operating system available at the time. Don't even mention Linux, it was for geeks and weirdos then, come to think of it, it still is 
Never used Linux till few years ago. At the time I wasn't using PCs. But at work we had to use it for years.
19-04-2014, 17:10
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
if you have windows 7 you can get virtual xp free from microsoft so you can run your old programs if they wont work in compatability mode
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
20-04-2014, 13:05
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Not with Windows 7 home. You need to have pro, ultimate or enterprise.
07-05-2014, 06:54
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Studio25
Not with Windows 7 home. You need to have pro, ultimate or enterprise.
lol i forgot about that i only use ultimate mainly because you can also use god mode that makes finding what you want to do a lot easier with fewer clicks
shoulda been called lazy mode
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
27-07-2014, 15:29
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Well, I finally gave in to the inevitable a couple of weeks ago and bought a new PC with Windows 8.1. Goodbye XP, goodbye old Dell..
It's so much quicker and 8.1 is OK to use with the XP style opening. Mind you when I start going into the 8.1 menus I pull out in fear! Something to try on the cold wet days of winter.
I got the shop who sorted my old Dell problems out to build it, they cleaned up the rubbish on the Dell, transferred what I wanted onto the new one, added a few useful bits,brought it here and set it up for me. Handy if you're a numpty like me.
A couple of friends said I should go for a laptop but when I looked at theirs they were plugged into a proper keyboard and a big monitor so I didn't see the point. I like my big monitor and proper keyboard,I've got the space and I think you get 'more bangs for your buck' with a PC, no miniaturized bits involved and he spec'd it ready for an upgrade if I fancied it. My tablet gives me the portability I need, long gone are the days when I was doing Powerpoint presentations and needed a laptop, thank Heavens.
So happiness, long live 8.1!
27-07-2014, 16:46
Beacon of light
Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Well, I finally gave in to the inevitable a couple of weeks ago and bought a new PC with Windows 8.1. Goodbye XP, goodbye old Dell..
It's so much quicker and 8.1 is OK to use with the XP style opening. Mind you when I start going into the 8.1 menus I pull out in fear! Something to try on the cold wet days of winter.
I got the shop who sorted my old Dell problems out to build it, they cleaned up the rubbish on the Dell, transferred what I wanted onto the new one, added a few useful bits,brought it here and set it up for me. Handy if you're a numpty like me.
A couple of friends said I should go for a laptop but when I looked at theirs they were plugged into a proper keyboard and a big monitor so I didn't see the point. I like my big monitor and proper keyboard,I've got the space and I think you get 'more bangs for your buck' with a PC, no miniaturized bits involved and he spec'd it ready for an upgrade if I fancied it. My tablet gives me the portability I need, long gone are the days when I was doing Powerpoint presentations and needed a laptop, thank Heavens.
So happiness, long live 8.1!
Gordon, it comes to us all in the end I reckon...having to change OS gives me the heebies.
Like you I like my desk top...and will keep one for as long as i can.
it is good that you got someone in the know to set you up.
I think you have to feel the fear and do it anyway   (she says as she slings onto her Windows 7 for dear life)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
27-07-2014, 23:53
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
When u get past the 'metro' start screen windows 8 is a lot like 7
31-07-2014, 01:20
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Restless
When u get past the 'metro' start screen windows 8 is a lot like 7
except for that what takes two clicks to do in win 7 takes 10 clicks in win 8
i just slapped classic start from https://ninite.com/ on win 8 and its 10x less hassle
from what iv read the next operating system from microsoft will have the start button back after all teh complaints .Not everyone has touch screen and win 8 is designed for tablets and is god awfull to use with a mouse.Just like with vista theres a lot of laptops and computers been sold that shoudlnt have win 8 on them
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
31-07-2014, 06:06
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Two clicks. Well you are already clicking more than i am. On 7 and 8
There is truth to what you say. But I don't click my way through the start menu. Its why I've never bothered using hack progs for win8
31-07-2014, 06:16
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
I bought a new Toshiba desk top PC last year after having laptops for ages.
It is almost like a King size tablet, 23 inch flat screen, about two inch thick with remote mouse and keyboard. I hardly ever use the touch screen, it is harder work leaning forward to touch it than it is to use the mouse. Apart from the fact that the screen kept getting bits of chocolate biscuit or salt from crisps stuck to it. The good thing about a desk top PC is that if you knock your can of grog over (God forbid) it wont get ruined where as a laptop may do.
I think it's the same with every thing new that comes out, once people get used to it they forget the old stuff.
Don't forget, if Mr W.Gates and his buddies don't keep upgrading the software so folk can rush to be the first to have it how will they keep making millions of bucks.
Apple is just as bad bringing out new phones, having spending all night shivering outside the store then spending half a grand on a new one the customer gets home and can't find the difference.
Rant over, turn over and back to sleep, I only got up to go to the bathroom but couldn't resist a peep at the forum on my bedside iPad.
Gremlin R.T.
31-07-2014, 06:41
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Just a quick example how I use windows 8 to load programs and control panel etc. For those that have windows 8 (bear in mind it helps to be 'ok' at the keyboard)
01-08-2014, 12:55
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Re: Windows XP - will you use after April?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
(she says as she slings onto her Windows 7 for dear life)
Originally Posted by Restless
Just a quick example how I use windows 8 to load programs and control panel etc. For those that have windows 8 (bear in mind it helps to be 'ok' at the keyboard)
Restless, you've really got to take something for your stomach, it sounds painfull. No nearer knowing how after watching the video and as for being 'OK' at the keyboard, I've no chance.
Margaret, I could have had Windows 7 which everyone seems to like but its mainstream support ends in January 2015, although extended support continues 'till 2020( long after I'd probably need it!). So I assume security updates at least will continue.
I asked the computer man about security on my tablet, whether I should download Avast or AVG- he said security on Android was very good and I didn't need to bother . What do our experts think, please?
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