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Old 07-06-2004, 08:41   #1
Senior Member
Shurm's Avatar

wireless internet ???? help please

I bought a kit from pc world at the weekend router and data card for my laptop 10 hours later aaarrrggghhhhh. Does anyone know of a simple wi-fi setup that needs very little computer knowledge to set up ???

Your help and comments will be appreciated

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Accrington Web
Old 07-06-2004, 09:12   #2
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yerself's Avatar

Re: wireless internet ???? help please

I recently bought a US Robotics wireless access point and PCMCIA card from PC World and spent a day trying to set it up. After banging my head against the wall and kicking the cat once or twice I took it back, they checked it, said it was faulty and replaced it like for like. Got home and same again, took it back and exchanged it for D Link equipment. Up and running within half an hour. I later found out that PC World re-wrap returned goods in cellophane and put them back on the shelf.
The wireless set up seems to work OK but forget the advertised range. If you're in the same room it's fine, OK in the room immediately next to it or immediately above but more than one wall between you and the access point/router then it gets very temperamental.
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Old 07-06-2004, 16:29   #3
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Re: wireless internet ???? help please

I can confirm that D-Link is a piece of P. to set up. Roy, Wingy and myself each bought a D-link ethernet network hub and seperate 8.11b wireless transmitter for our apartments and a PCMCIA wireless card for our laptops whilst working in China. I believe Wingy has since set it up on broadband back at home without any problem.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

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Old 07-06-2004, 17:12   #4
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Re: wireless internet ???? help please

hehehhehe ******, it was the d link one i couldnt get working i took it back, i got the router working, then the card finally starting working then I got on the internet with my Tisacli broadband connection but only through the cable connection I could never get the wireless side to work :-(

Thanks for the replies ...................... anymore help appreciated
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Old 08-06-2004, 19:45   #5
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Re: wireless internet ???? help please

Shrum, try this site

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Old 11-06-2004, 07:57   #6
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Weary Tourist's Avatar

Re: wireless internet ???? help please

To lend my support I would also recommend these websites along with your manufacturers instruction manual.

and one other site

I know what you are going through, it does take a bit to get all the settings right.

I set up a wireless network network including a router, wireless access points, laptop with wifi card and wireless pda using Linksys equipment. It was the single best thing I ever did and encourage you to persist.

Don't forget to turn on WEP encryption after you have got the devices talking to each other.

My next project is to stream my MP3 files via Wifi from any of the computers to the hifi.

My eyes are on these beasties which is a wifi solution.
or this one which needs an additional wifi point.

At present I use one of these wired devices to play MP3 files from the laptop through the hifi. The laptop is linked via Wifi to the internet.

So much better than running wires around the place.

Good Luck
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