Now that we can see the problomatic article you are attempting to use as an Avatar.
Some clues are quite apparent, the main one being that this is an overblown copy of the original, hence the grainy effect.
If you do some further googling you may come across the original and have no need to re-size it.
Originally Posted by gpick24
Ask Cashman, he has managed to get one.
Cashy's Avatar was put in place for him by Mick, he does that sort of thing willingly for his friends.
If memory serves correctly, it has already been used by a member for a couple of months, it may have been Accyman though I cannot be certain, I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong.
I would offer further assistance with your problematic endevours but, I can't really see me having a Christian attitude and turning the other cheek to help someone with your obvious hostilities towards myself and other members of the site.
Good luck with it, stick to it, the learning curve is there, all you have to do is jump on board for the ride and you will have your dream come true.