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Old 18-10-2008, 13:20   #1
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Avi - dvd converter

Got a video file avi need it converting to dvd to play on any dvd, anyone know of any free or trial programs to do this, tried a few freeware progs tho they put ugly big watermarks all over it instead which spoils it completely so ones that dont do that all the way thro would be a help



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Old 18-10-2008, 13:35   #2
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

What do you use for burning dvd's? sure Nero did the conversion but been that long since I used it I cant bee 100% sure

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Old 18-10-2008, 13:53   #3
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Not got nero anymore & its old just using the NTI on the lappy application, just need to convert it as burning isn't an issue


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Old 18-10-2008, 17:39   #4
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Bear in mind that MPEG-2, the backbone of DVD video, is a licensed technology and so all (legal) transcoders will have some sort of cost.

Not all flavours of Nero are capable of transcoding to DVD.

Can your player cope with MPEG-4? If so you can use the free DivX or Xvid encoders to do the job.

If it's a one-off, email it to me and I'll convert it for you...

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Old 19-10-2008, 06:50   #5
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

This is the one i use and its free

quick media converter

Last edited by Mick; 25-02-2009 at 08:40.
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Old 19-10-2008, 09:47   #6
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

I use convert X to dvd. You can get it from here.

ConvertXtoDVD [incl Keygen] Latest Release - Torrent Reactor NET
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Old 19-10-2008, 14:10   #7
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

I have to agree ConvertX is great. Only problem is, it takes as long to burn the disk as it does to convert the avi file. I have used loads of software before but they dont match the quailty ConvertX seems to give. Approx about a hour to convert and the same to burn.
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Old 19-10-2008, 21:16   #8
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

If it's taking an hour to burn the whole capacity of a single-layer DVDR, then you're burning at 1X (single speed). If both your DVD writer's rated speed and the rated speed of the blank disc are higher than 1X, then you have an incompatibility between the two, there's a data throughput bottleneck somewhere, or the software is incapable of going any quicker (possibly because of a parameter that needs changing).

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Old 19-10-2008, 21:20   #9
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Didnt manage to get hold of a free one without the banner thro it, but did manage to find a player to play it on - so one happy kiddie seems the more modern of dvd players manages it fine as older models struggle.

Thanks for the tips anyway -cheers


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Old 25-02-2009, 10:05   #10
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Some of the more modern dvd players will play div-x etc. I know that both of mine do (one of which is a couple of years old now and was more expensive to buy at the time) but know the newer ones seem to play more formats etc
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Old 25-02-2009, 14:33   #11
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

You can also buy "upscaling" DVD players with HDMI-out. The results on HD TVs is far better than the analogue out from a regular DVD player on the same TV, but I'm stumped as to how they do it. You can't "add" quality if it's not there in the first place.

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Old 16-04-2009, 16:31   #12
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

in convertx2dvd settings change burn speed to x6 you can burn faster but if you burn faster even with 8x upwards disks you can still get jittery playback when you use the dvd on a standard dvd player

dont use nero for converting it takes absolutely ages and encodes a very poor end quality

if you have a ps3 or xbox 360 just put the avi files on to a usb memory stick and stick it in your console and you can watch it from there
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Old 16-04-2009, 21:05   #13
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
You can also buy "upscaling" DVD players with HDMI-out. The results on HD TVs is far better than the analogue out from a regular DVD player on the same TV, but I'm stumped as to how they do it. You can't "add" quality if it's not there in the first place.
upscaling - an ancient art perfected over teh last 20 odd years believe it or not

a quick history lesson

in teh begining of CD there was a simple standard

though shal't read CDs at 44.1Khz

then came the wonderment of oversampling.
say you had a binary sequence of 111000111

imagine 2x oversampling was to 'add' a digit between each value, in this case its quite easy


The number in brackets is teh 'added' value. You notice I used X twice. In thsi case teh algorythmn would have looked at teh next couple of numbers and for the first X inserted a 0 and for the second a 1

in 4x oversampling it added '3' numbers so teh first X may have been 100 followed by 001 for teh second.

now this was easy as audio is effectively 2D. with video its 2D but layered so one line relates directly to teh pixels directly above. in this case teh algorithm is much more complex but still quite simpe in its ultimate aim,

what is either side and can I 'smooth' the transition between them.

now its more complex as we got into 1 bit DAC which is even more complex which I can still explain if you really want but it takes a weird mind to understand it.

so what is upscaling? its basically 'guessing' what should be there based in what pixels are either side of the one in Q!

Hope that makes some sense!

Technical God, No 1 Geek And Linux Guru

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Old 16-04-2009, 21:45   #14
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Re: Avi - dvd converter

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
upscaling - an ancient art perfected over teh last 20 odd years believe it or not

a quick history lesson

in teh begining of cd there was a simple standard

though shal't read cds at 44.1khz

then came the wonderment of oversampling.
Say you had a binary sequence of 111000111

imagine 2x oversampling was to 'add' a digit between each value, in this case its quite easy


the number in brackets is teh 'added' value. You notice i used x twice. In thsi case teh algorythmn would have looked at teh next couple of numbers and for the first x inserted a 0 and for the second a 1

in 4x oversampling it added '3' numbers so teh first x may have been 100 followed by 001 for teh second.

Now this was easy as audio is effectively 2d. With video its 2d but layered so one line relates directly to teh pixels directly above. In this case teh algorithm is much more complex but still quite simpe in its ultimate aim,

what is either side and can i 'smooth' the transition between them.

Now its more complex as we got into 1 bit dac which is even more complex which i can still explain if you really want but it takes a weird mind to understand it.

So what is upscaling? Its basically 'guessing' what should be there based in what pixels are either side of the one in q!

Hope that makes some sense!

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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