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  • 1 Post By Restless
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Old 10-08-2022, 03:30   #1
Senior Member

'from spoofing'

It’s seems a while since this sort of thing was mentioned on Accyweb and although most of you will be aware of it already as it has been around for a long time, I thought I would bring it up again as there seems to be more of it lately. A timely reminder, if I may mention it, of how diligent we have to be at all times. I’m talking about ‘from spoofing’. For those who might not know what it is, and need to be made aware of it, ‘from spoofing’ is when you receive an email supposedly from the person on the ‘from’ line, but in actual fact it is not from them. The content in the body of the email will seem to be genuine, might even make sense, and you will be asked to tap into the link that is included with the message. Don’t do this, just delete the email.

Now and then I receive an email that is supposed to be from one of my sons, the message makes sense and sounds legit, but as he never includes links in his emails to me, and we now have a little code that he puts on his emails, I know this is a spoofing email.

As we all know, it is easy to find out if an email is genuine or not by clicking on the ‘from’ address. It’s a nuisance having to do so but worth it. If I get an email supposedly from someone I haven’t heard from for a long time I definitely check the ‘from’ address.

I realise I am probably telling this to those in the know but I thought it was worth mentioning again because it does seem to be getting more prevalent.
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Accrington Web
Old 10-08-2022, 15:13   #2
Senior Member

Re: 'from spoofing'

many thanks for that Dotty, as you know I always class myself as a Luddite when it comes to computer type "thingy's" I did not know the information that you have now enlightened me on.
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Old 10-08-2022, 19:06   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: 'from spoofing'

It never does any harm to be reminded.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 19-09-2022, 14:04   #4
Senior Member+

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Re: 'from spoofing'

I thought i was well versed in scams and the like back in 2013 when i fell victim to the "none receipt of goods" scam via ebay

cyber criminals, criminals in general are always thinking and developing new ways to screw someone over. We must always be on guard
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