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Old 23-01-2009, 10:07   #1
Resting in Peace

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Verbal to Text talk.

Heard a short discussion on this on the Radio the other day. Just can't get over the wonders of technology these days... magic ! Although not fully available free on 'phones, will be in the not too distant future.

Anybody any dealings with it yet ?

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Old 23-01-2009, 13:17   #2
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Re: Verbal to Text talk.

Voice recognition stuff has been around for years. IBM Via Voice was out in the late 90's.

With training it could do quite well.

I have teh other way on my phone though, It will read me any new text messages/emails etc.


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Old 23-01-2009, 14:13   #3
Resting in Peace

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Re: Verbal to Text talk.

Is the voice recognition just not your own though Entwisi ?

Yes, there are those landline messages at the moment aren't there that interpret a text message. (Seem to get more now that are left on my answering machine from varying companies).

But to translate all different accents !... would love to see one of the textes.

Mind you, think they ought to try out on Cashy first .... that would be the ultimate test ....
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Old 23-01-2009, 15:33   #4
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Re: Verbal to Text talk.

Posted via Mobile Device my phone has voice activation with no training for prest functions. I.e. I can say "bluetooth" to turn it on and off. i can also do voice dialling.
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Old 11-02-2009, 19:18   #5
Resting in Peace

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Re: Verbal to Text talk.

Had to laugh this afternoon .. daughter sent me a landline 'phone text by mistake, was meant to go to my mobile. She was in Wolverhampton University with Grandaughter who was attending an interview there.

The message was:-

"This place is mingin. Byuk! She is in interview now, she isn't impressed. It's a (f word) dump and totally disorganised. The whole place is just .. peeling. Horrible, and guess what the last crap revelation is ? Twelve people share one bog and one shower room xx"

Hilarious to hear the posh monatone voice coming over my 'phone with these expletives !! And mingin ('g' as in gin; not 'g' as in give)

Aplogies to Wolverhampton Uni. LOL.
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:48   #6
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Re: Verbal to Text talk.


I work in a company that does all this kinda stuff. One that i thought was great was a text enabled service for 999 calls for those that are hearing or speech impaired, user tests in fire or police to a short 5 digit code, that gets transformed into email that goes to the control room, who can then email back, have it transformed into text to the users mobile. A full dialogue can then be had.

Theres a lot of stuff going on using a mobile phone now, When you think that a postage stamp costs 30 odd pence, and a sms message costs a few pennies, I personally think theres going to be a massive change in the way companies communicate with us now.
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Old 12-02-2009, 08:57   #7
God Member

Re: Verbal to Text talk.

not sure .. but I got a text over the landline today that said something like... Us2d twas whay an cUled Me UseAd Cuant.. is it just me?
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