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13-08-2012, 22:55
I am Banned
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Just received this from a friend, not sure if its authentic, but better safe than sorry
In the coming days, you should be aware ...> > > > Do not
open any message with an attachment called "Invitation FACEBOOK",
regardless of who sent it> > > > It is a virus that opens an Olympic
torch that burns the whole hard disc C of your computer> > This virus
will be received from someone you had in your address book> > > >
That's why you should send this message to all your contacts> > It is
better to receive this email 25 times than to receive the virus and
open it> > > > If you receive an email called "Invitation FACEBOOK", >
even though it has been sent by a friend, > do not open it and delete
it immediately> > > > CNN said it is a new virus discovered recently
and that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus
ever. It is a Trojan Horse that asks you to install an Adobe flash
plug-in. Once you install it, it's all over - and there is no repair
yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector
of the Hard Disc, where the vital information of their function is
13-08-2012, 23:08
Resting In Peace
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Re: Virus
I know you don't approve of me cutting and pasting from Google Retlaw but think you should see this
Olympic Torch Invitation Virus Hoax
especially this paragraph:
If you receive this hoax message, please do not forward it to others. Virus hoaxes such as this one do nothing more than clutter inboxes and spread misinformation. If you receive a virus warning via email, always take the time to check the veracity of the message on a reputable anti-virus or anti-hoax website.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
13-08-2012, 23:34
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Re: Virus
I feel left out... how come I never ever ever get this kind of mail.
EDIT: I was just thinking. Perhaps I should sign into my old AOL account. Used to get spam mail often back then....
Last edited by Restless; 13-08-2012 at 23:39.
14-08-2012, 08:29
Resting in Peace
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by Restless
I feel left out... how come I never ever ever get this kind of mail.
EDIT: I was just thinking. Perhaps I should sign into my old AOL account. Used to get spam mail often back then....
Just register with Facebook Restless, I get around 30 spam emails a day, had 14 this morning 
14-08-2012, 12:47
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Re: Virus
im on facebook. Dont you man notification ?  . My facebook is on an older address so I dont have to see them. Prob got about 1000 emails in that account by now
Originally Posted by jaysay
Just register with Facebook Restless, I get around 30 spam emails a day, had 14 this morning 
14-08-2012, 17:50
Resting in Peace
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by Restless
i'm on facebook. Dont you man notification ?  . My facebook is on an older address so I dont have to see them. Prob got about 1000 emails in that account by now 
Well first of all ain't got a clue what your talking about  and I only started getting all this spam since I joined facebook, had 31 spam emails already today, seems its a petty quite day 
14-08-2012, 18:02
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Re: Virus
Oh I thought you meant spam from facebook. I get an email everytime something happens...the slightest thing. Quite irritating
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well first of all ain't got a clue what your talking about  and I only started getting all this spam since I joined facebook, had 31 spam emails already today, seems its a petty quite day 
14-08-2012, 18:08
Resting in Peace
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by Restless
Oh I thought you meant spam from facebook. I get an email everytime something happens...the slightest thing. Quite irritating
I used to get them too, accyman turned it off for me that last time he sorted a problem out on my computer, don't get any at all now Restless 
14-08-2012, 18:14
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Re: Virus
It is an ancient 'Law of Rebound', sometimes named karma.
When you chuck the nasty stuff at people, you are (re)bound to get three times as much muck back.
14-08-2012, 18:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by MargaretR
It is an ancient 'Law of Rebound', sometimes named karma.
When you chuck the nasty stuff at people, you are (re)bound to get three times as much muck back.
I worry about you sometimes Margaret 
14-08-2012, 18:31
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Re: Virus
Wiccan Three-Fold Law * Wicca-Spirituality.com
"The Three-Fold Law is pagan Karma.
Karma is simply an acknowledgement that choices have repercussions. Not least of which is the energy generated by the choice.
If you will hurt someone in anger, you generate anger first in yourself. (For an exploration of how this works, see the article onBlack Magic.)
Then you transfer it to someone else . . . and the ripples spread throughout the world. Maybe this is why it's called Three-fold.
But the tricky bit is . . . At each step, your anger hurts you .
Anger is unhealthy - this is well-known in medicine and psychology. Anger is linked with many fatal diseases, like heart attacks and cancer.
Hurting someone else makes you feel bad about yourself, if only on subconscious levels. You know in your hidden heart that you have done wrong, and so you lose respect and trust in yourself.
As you send out anger, making people around you angry, what do you think you are going to encounter later on? Anger! The ripples of your choices always return to you.
In the big picture, the energy of that anger is creating suffering for all beings. After millennia of this energy swamping our planet, we find anger leading quite possibly to our extinction.
The spiritual fact is that if anger is an issue in your life, you magnetically draw more of it towards you. Like attracts like.
Much more than anyone else, we harm ourselves by hurtful thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Revenge and resentment look rather foolish from that perspective, don't they?
This is the Three-Fold Law in action. "
Even if you aren't a pagan, it sounds right.
14-08-2012, 18:42
Resting in Peace
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Wiccan Three-Fold Law * Wicca-Spirituality.com
"The Three-Fold Law is pagan Karma.
Karma is simply an acknowledgement that choices have repercussions. Not least of which is the energy generated by the choice.
If you will hurt someone in anger, you generate anger first in yourself. (For an exploration of how this works, see the article onBlack Magic.)
Then you transfer it to someone else . . . and the ripples spread throughout the world. Maybe this is why it's called Three-fold.
But the tricky bit is . . . At each step, your anger hurts you .
Anger is unhealthy - this is well-known in medicine and psychology. Anger is linked with many fatal diseases, like heart attacks and cancer.
Hurting someone else makes you feel bad about yourself, if only on subconscious levels. You know in your hidden heart that you have done wrong, and so you lose respect and trust in yourself.
As you send out anger, making people around you angry, what do you think you are going to encounter later on? Anger! The ripples of your choices always return to you.
In the big picture, the energy of that anger is creating suffering for all beings. After millennia of this energy swamping our planet, we find anger leading quite possibly to our extinction.
The spiritual fact is that if anger is an issue in your life, you magnetically draw more of it towards you. Like attracts like.
Much more than anyone else, we harm ourselves by hurtful thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Revenge and resentment look rather foolish from that perspective, don't they?
This is the Three-Fold Law in action. "
Even if you aren't a pagan, it sounds right.
   I really do worry about you 
14-08-2012, 21:40
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Re: Virus
So how does this tie in with signing up to facebook and/or computer viruses
14-08-2012, 21:56
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Re: Virus
Originally Posted by Restless
So how does this tie in with signing up to facebook and/or computer viruses
Junk out = treble junk in.
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