Originally Posted by entwisi
Re Less....
Perfection is based on current vision, how can you know what other wonders are available untill you experience them. it still stands as perfection on todays knowledge irrespective of any potential improvements that could be there.
Oh dear a man of selective memory, may I ask you to cast your mind back a few years and you will remember that I was setting up a Compaq dual core Computer to run Fedora 4 core, So I have had experience of linux in fact that Computer is still with me and working fine on that platform.
It was around the time when someone set up accy linux site to assist those of us just starting the great adventure of reaching the computer equivalent of Nirvana.
I had a problem though after my first install the P.C. would boot but end up with a blank screen, the expert from the above site offered to call over and set it up for me,.
When he arrived I told him I suspected the drivers for the grotty Compaq graphics card, I was poo, pood for even thinking such a thing and after 20 minutes the expert announced that the platform I was trying to mount was far too complex for a beginner such as I and he would supply me with an all singing all dancing copy of Ubunto that would be better suited to my needs.
Well I can tell you I'm still awaiting his return with the disk(s) but between myself boldly going where a Windows 98 guy, (yes it was that long ago), shouldn't foolishly go and a very patient Mick we fixed the drivers for the graphics card.
Perhaps the moral to this story is NEVER rely on someone that claims to be a Linux Guru they could just be a false technical God and we should all sometimes work with our own natural abilities and go for the first logical suspicion and fix the darned thing ourselves!