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Old 22-02-2005, 12:12   #1
Full Member

Thumbs up Nintendo D.S

is anybody ere gettin a nintendo ds. ive already preordered mine so now i ave to sit and wait till 11th March i can't wait. my mate has one and there well ace especially for £100.
Luke rules
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Old 22-02-2005, 12:48   #2
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Re: Nintendo D.S

How much are the games going to be selling for Luke? Thats the only problem with Nintendo their games cost a fortune! I've always been a fan of Nintendo had the NES, then the SNES, and still got Nintendo 64 and little lads got gamecube but got a PS2 aswell and seen as the games are cheaper we usually buy new games for that. Saying that only Nintendo could invent characters such as Mario, Donkey and Zelda. Nintendo games have much more depth to them!!!

Originally Posted by luke orourke 1988
is anybody ere gettin a nintendo ds. ive already preordered mine so now i ave to sit and wait till 11th March i can't wait. my mate has one and there well ace especially for £100.
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Old 22-02-2005, 12:50   #3
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Re: Nintendo D.S

they arnt that expensive really they cost £20 each which is cheap compared to ps2 games costing £40 each
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
How much are the games going to be selling for Luke? Thats the only problem with Nintendo their games cost a fortune! I've always been a fan of Nintendo had the NES, then the SNES, and still got Nintendo 64 and little lads got gamecube but got a PS2 aswell and seen as the games are cheaper we usually buy new games for that. Saying that only Nintendo could invent characters such as Mario, Donkey and Zelda. Nintendo games have much more depth to them!!!
Luke rules
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Old 22-02-2005, 12:58   #4
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Originally Posted by luke orourke 1988
they arnt that expensive really they cost £20 each which is cheap compared to ps2 games costing £40 each
Then i too will be a new recruit to the Nintendo DS. 11th March noted in my diary. Are they doing online gaming with them?
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:04   #5
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Having seen both I would say if you can afford it then wait for the PSP. It is in a different league to the DS. I'm not sure on what teh price of games will be like though.

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Old 22-02-2005, 13:06   #6
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Originally Posted by entwisi
Having seen both I would say if you can afford it then wait for the PSP. It is in a different league to the DS. I'm not sure on what teh price of games will be like though.

I'll probably end up getting both. The only game console i've never purchased is X box.
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:37   #7
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
I'll probably end up getting both. The only game console i've never purchased is X box.
you realy missd out they blow the playstation away in the graphics and performance area

also a much better bargain

no need for memory cards,internet ready ( took ps2 5 years i think it is to come up with that)

anyway if your a console fan the xbox 2 is out soon and believe me it will wipe the floor with the forthcoming ps3

sony are a rip off company who use children to exploit parents wallets

remember when the ps2 came out it was nearly £400 and you got nothing with it

when the xbox launched it was a better machine had more featues and was £100 cheaper , they then reduced their consols to £100 forcing sony to do the same

people say a lot of bad things about microsoft but they forced sony into realistic prices and made the console market more acessable to the public

also on a side note i owuld like to praise nintendo for launching the DS at £100 because this has forced sony to reduce the price of their new hand held psp as they origionaly were going to lauch them at £300 but now they have been force to drop that price drasticly to compete with nintendo

Last edited by chav1; 22-02-2005 at 13:38.
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:54   #8
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Originally Posted by chav1
people say a lot of bad things about microsoft but they forced sony into realistic prices and made the console market more acessable to the public

also on a side note i owuld like to praise nintendo for launching the DS at £100 because this has forced sony to reduce the price of their new hand held psp as they origionaly were going to lauch them at £300 but now they have been force to drop that price drasticly to compete with nintendo
I totally agree with you there chav, it has opened the market up, and doesn't cost me as much at Christmas now.
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Old 22-02-2005, 15:47   #9
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Re: Nintendo D.S

Microsoft quite simply had to undercut the PS2 due to the massive range of games already out there for PS(1 and 2). At launch it was said that they were losing $100 a console to try and get a market share working on the royalties people pay on games to claw back money. A bit like mobiles in that the phones are heavily subsidised on the back of call charges. It was simple economics that Sony had an established customer base with a backwards compatible product. Microsoft were walking like a virgin into a new environment.

I'm not a console person and have never used a PS2 or XBox so can't comment on the technical aspects of them against each other.

Healthy competition is what drives technology to advance at the breakneck speed it does. All good for the end users, sometimes not so good for the bottom line of a companies accounts.
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Old 22-02-2005, 16:12   #10
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Re: Nintendo D.S

I think the best thing that the ds is going to have is wireless gameplay. you can play with up to 12 people at once and theres no need for cables. also it has a chat thing as well so you can send messages to your mates.
Luke rules
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Old 22-02-2005, 16:32   #11
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Re: Nintendo D.S

I also think that the psp will be better than the nintendo ds but i cant afford it as the actualt thing cost about £300 i think and how much r the games goin to cost? £30-£40 so ill just stick to the nintendo ds i think
Luke rules
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Old 22-02-2005, 19:14   #12
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Re: Nintendo D.S

You can find both on ebay at the moment.

I havent looked into the details but they are both definitely there.

Games and accessories aswell.
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Old 22-02-2005, 20:38   #13
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Re: Nintendo D.S

We have two DS's at work that Nintendo have given us to promote it. It's quite a nifty little console - I am quite impressed with it and we have had lots of interest. Nintendo have made it backwards compatible so all the SP games and stuff will still work on it, plus they are keeping the games at around the 20-30 quid mark.

The PSP is by far the superior console - but I think the DS will be more popular as theres more to it. Plus I wouldn't bother with the first batch of PSP's - Sony have admitted that one of the buttons is faulty as its squashed right up next to the screen and they won't be correcting it till the second wave shipments as it would cost too much to fix and won't affect gameplay THAT much.
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Old 22-02-2005, 23:55   #14
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Re: Nintendo D.S

The only console I have is a SNES.

I flatly refuse to buy any more consoles, for the simple reason that in a couple of years they will be obsolete, and you are rather limited on what you can do with them.

It's interesting that the DS has a chat thing as well.

My PC plays games, and it has a chat thing, as well as an email program, browser (which (among other things) allows me to bank online), and an office suite of products which allows me to work from home.

Name me a console that provides all that and more, and I'll maybe consider it.

Until then, I'll hang on to my trusty pc (with 17" tft monitor. Which, incidentally, is better quality than a tv screen)
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 23-02-2005, 18:31   #15
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Re: Nintendo D.S

The only problem with the chat facility on the DS is that they are not regulated as such. You can talk to anyone who is in about 100m radius with a DS - and who knows who that someone might be?
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