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Old 20-05-2008, 22:33   #1
Junior Member+
Posty Chadman's Avatar

Accrington Girls & Ladies FC

It makes me very proud to be part Accrington Girls & ladies as agian tonite we had in excess of 70 girls all trianing at the same time. From a passerbys point of view it must be impressive that so many girls in the hyndburn area have taken up the sport.
We already have Rachel Brown who has gone on to play for England, several players already at the Blackburn Academy & this comming month we will have a further three going for trials.
I manage the under 12s & can say hand on heart that at least 5 of my girls could displace any lad in an appropriate team of that age, that is how much girls football has come on.
So if you no of any girl that u see regularly kicking a ball about in the street & you read this please tell them there is a big club in Accrington waiting for them to come & show what talents they have.
We are despretly in need to add to our under 14s for next season as the squad is begining to depleat a little.
We trian every Tuesday nite on the Foxhill pf Oswaldtwistle & matches are at our own ground on Sundays @ Livingstone road.

Thanks for ur time Paul
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