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Old 28-08-2006, 08:48   #16
Super Moderator

Wynonie Harris's Avatar

Re: Are Rovers tickets too expensive?

OK, I accept it's difficult for you to get to a Saturday afternoon match, but what about night matches? You just missed a cracker against Nottingham Forest last week.

As for going on your own, yes, it probably would be boring if you're sat in your little plastic seat in a big impersonal stadium. However, stood on the Clayton End, you'll find the atmosphere is friendly, funny, warm and welcoming.

Next night match - Sept 13th v Wrexham. Give it a try!
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Accrington Web
Old 28-08-2006, 09:13   #17
Junior Member+
green giant's Avatar

Re: Are Rovers tickets too expensive?

as an ex landlord from next to the football i had to pay £100.00 to show alive match from sky now thats exstortion if you ask me.great for the punters but not the land lord .two i agree drop the prices and youll get more people on the ground and more revenue both for the local pubs and shops .then wed have sky in the palm of our hands theyd have to drop prices this would cause a fair trading policy for every one involved.
:engsmil: :engsmil:
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Old 28-08-2006, 12:14   #18
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Re: Are Rovers tickets too expensive?

Originally Posted by green giant
as an ex landlord from next to the football i had to pay £100.00 to show alive match from sky now thats exstortion if you ask me.great for the punters but not the land lord .two i agree drop the prices and youll get more people on the ground and more revenue both for the local pubs and shops .then wed have Sky in the palm of our hands theyd have to drop prices this would cause a fair trading policy for every one involved.
This is why more landlords & managers are switching to foreign satalite feeds, the packages start from about £500 per year. "Sky" don't like this, so they're trying to take licensee's to court in order to stop them. It's still a grey area about the legality, but "Sky" (to my knowledge) still haven't had a successful case. The courts are backing licensee's, stating that "Sky" sell the rights to air the games to foreign countries, therefore, whatever the other countries do with the feed is up to them.
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Old 28-08-2006, 13:02   #19
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Are Rovers tickets too expensive?

Originally Posted by John_Timmins
yeh but its still £15 to sit in a half empty stadium with no atmosphere!!!
atmosphere is a commodity that dimished greatly with the event of ALL SEATER STADIUMS, have visited most before and after seating i can say that with confidence, something hopefully you will experiance young john if stanley continue to rise.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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