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Old 26-11-2005, 11:13   #46
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
anyway as you said i dont want a slanging match either so this is my last post on the subject
Good, because trust me you'd loose.

I wrote in my journal today about my Aunt's death from liver disease earlier this year. She didn't drink, not that that matters a damn.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-11-2005, 11:14   #47
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by garinda
Good, because trust me you'd loose.

I wrote in my journal today about my Aunt's death from liver disease earlier this year. She didn't drink, not that that matters a damn.

and its peole like your aunt who would actually benefit from a new liver....instead of ...ooooooops sorry there i go ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiippppppppppppppppppp
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 26-11-2005, 11:20   #48
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

I do so respect a man that keeps his word about not posting, when you said he wouldn't.

Perhaps you could put in for a backbone transplant?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-11-2005, 11:28   #49
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by garinda
I do so respect a man that keeps his word about not posting, when you said he wouldn't.

Perhaps you could put in for a backbone transplant?
more spine here than most of you lot, at least i have the balls to actually say what i feel......and dont feel the need to become part of the click that so readily exists for fear of being "picked on" and lambasted for having a different opinion to the rest of the clan ..........
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 26-11-2005, 11:32   #50
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

This will be my last post on the subject, because unlike you I do keep my word. Plus it would be terribley unfair to debate the fact that alcoholism is a disease, because you obviously don't have the sufficent language skills.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-11-2005, 11:37   #51
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by garinda
This will be my last post on the subject, because unlike you I do keep my word. Plus it would be terribley unfair to debate the fact that alcoholism is a disease, because you obviously don't have the sufficent language skills.

sorry 4 bein so unejikatid...... .......spag bol for tea made with mince meat .....mmmmmmmmmmmm
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 26-11-2005, 11:41   #52


Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Has with anyone else, yourselves included every one is entitled to an opinion; we don’t have to agree with it but in a free and open society with should accept that we all have one and are free to express it.

This might be an ideal time for one of the members form the Nursing Profession to intercede and prevent this emotive thread from being trashed like so many others. From my perspective:

Alcoholism is an illness, not a disease although I accept that many might see as been, but a disease is something you might catch. An illness is something you might suffer from. Never the less real Alcoholism is a tragedy in its own right.

In respect of the transplant, first there has to be a match, I don’t recalled the odds involved but if this liver was the closest for Best then it was his, it is unlikely that someone else missed out as a result of it going to him. Had he not had it, it may well have been wasted, it does happen and not ever organ donated goes on to save a life. I would also point out that this great man died yesterday as a result of an infection.

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Old 26-11-2005, 11:42   #53
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
more spine here than most of you lot, at least i have the balls to actually say what i feel......and dont feel the need to become part of the click that so readily exists for fear of being "picked on" and lambasted for having a different opinion to the rest of the clan ..........
So, now not only do you want to upset a few by showing disrespect for a dead man but you now wish to continue with your rantings and upset the living that can understand and sympathise with a man that suffered due to his failings!

No doubt you will accuse me of being a member of the so called 'clique' as well, so be it I would rather be accused of that than to just post your type of mindless junk, perhaps on Monday if you take the trouble to go to the doctors He will be able to arrange an operation (on the national health) that will take your spine out of your brain, your balls out of your mouth and then you might just be able to string together a sensible sentence that doesn't have to come out of your *rse!
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Old 26-11-2005, 11:49   #54
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by Less
So, now not only do you want to upset a few by showing disrespect for a dead man but you now wish to continue with your rantings and upset the living that can understand and sympathise with a man that suffered due to his failings!

No doubt you will accuse me of being a member of the so called 'clique' as well, so be it I would rather be accused of that than to just post your type of mindless junk, perhaps on Monday if you take the trouble to go to the doctors He will be able to arrange an operation (on the national health) that will take your spine out of your brain, your balls out of your mouth and then you might just be able to string together a sensible sentence that doesn't have to come out of your *rse!

SO, when is your operation to remove your head from your ar$e ? pray tell .....i have an opinion you have "several" get over it and get on with it .........anyway i now go into a self style BAN....
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!

Last edited by BLACKBURN RAVER; 26-11-2005 at 11:57.
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Old 26-11-2005, 14:10   #55
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by Doug
This might be an ideal time for one of the members form the Nursing Profession to intercede and prevent this emotive thread from being trashed like so many others. From my perspective:

Dear oh dear........ Sorry Doug but seeing as you asked for an opinion from a nursing professional, here's mine....

Firstly I would like to say that my sympathies go out to the family of George Best, who without a doubt must have suffered intensely watching their loved one drink himself to death. Sympathies also to his many friends and collegues who must have been so sad to watch a great footballing talent wasted.

Alcoholism is an illness but only relatively recently classed as one. It is more of a social illness really but an addiction none the less. It is no different than any other addiction so smoking and drug addiction are exactly the same but alcoholism often gets the most sympathy and is more socially acceptable these days.

A real disease is paedophilia, but I don't see anybody sympathising with Gary Glitter..... probably because paedos are seen to be hurting people, but alcoholics also hurt other people, as I'm sure that the husbands, wives, children and parents of an alcoholic will vouch.

Transplants are given to the best match and can be difficult to find if you are a rare blood group, was he a rare blood group? Many of my colleagues (including those with experience in the transplant units) agree that he should never have received that liver and that a more deserving candidate for transplant could have been found. It is a good job that relatives of organ donors don't get to know who receives the organs, because I bet the family of the donor would be gutted at the waste of a second chance. A colleague of mine claimed that the organ donation rate fell quite dramatically when they transplanted George Best (how true this is, I wouldn't like to say), but she worked in a transplant unit, so there you go... The question I would ask is would a surgeon transplant a liver to your everyday, run of the mill, street wino? The answer I feel would be no.... A very good friend of mine drank herself to death nearly a year ago, transplant was not an option....

Despite the transplant issues (and like it or not, there are issues). I think that Besty should be remembered and celebrated as a talent, a celebrity and from reports from people who met him, a genuinely nice fella....

Did you know that the old fella who played Mr Myagi in the film Karate Kid also died yesterday???? Aaaaah, Daniel San..........
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 26-11-2005, 18:13   #56


Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by lettie
Dear oh dear........ Sorry Doug but seeing as you asked for an opinion from a nursing professional, here's mine....
Lettie, why Dear, oh dear? I felt that your post offered an answer too many of the questions that had been raised and may request for a nursing opinion to prevent further decay of the thread has been met by your opinion be it personal or professional. Like anyone else I was expressing my opinion on a subject that I felt could be better expressed by a qualified professional. I feel that your post and opinion will be welcomed by many and I’m sure that others might not totally agree but also share your sentiments none the less. What I did want was an end to the bickering in another obituary

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Old 26-11-2005, 18:32   #57
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by Doug
Lettie, why Dear, oh dear?
Sorry Doug... I posted 'dear oh dear' because I knew that I was going to be saying things that a lot of people probably don't want to hear. Never the less it was a professional opinion and it does go to show that some illnesses are more socially acceptable than others. Those who know me well will know that I always post/tell the truth as I see it and I don't sugar coat things.

I think that a lot of members of this site have given a fantastic obituary to a memorable man who has maybe found peace at last..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 26-11-2005, 18:43   #58


Re: Besty - R.I.P.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 26-11-2005, 23:50   #59
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

A damn good footballer died.What p*sses me off is you all treat it like your best mate has died.None of you knew him apart from those who's uncles cousins neighbours brothers nextdoors brother in laws aunt got an autograph etc.I'm sure none of us are glad to see him pass away,I know i'm not.If you want to say "george was the best"etc etc well I respect your opinion but you can't accept the bad points about him.No not being an alcoholic.A woman beater(repeatedly)Couldnt be bothered turning up for games because he was too busy with the latest miss world or another woman(well that is commitment when you are a paying supporter)I think he once ran over a woman in his car,he's been to prison,he's got a new liver on the condition he would not drink(if it was John Smith they would prob be dead by now due to no liver being provided).All this is by memory not by looking it up off the internet like you know it alls but I do remember the wogan show that used to be on bbc1 i think at 7pm when he just said" i love screwing"and was being very offensive or perhaps I dreamt that.
At the end of the day we all know he was talented as a footballer and anyone who is glad to see him dead is very twisted but look at the positive AND the negative and don't come on insulting each other like children.We all have our own opinions,respect them.RIP George.
You'll never walk alone.:engsmil:
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Old 26-11-2005, 23:58   #60
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Hecky Thump!!
Sounds a bit like sour grapes to me. He was a great player, had an illness which he couldn't overcome.

Please let the poor soul rest in peace.
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