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Old 27-11-2005, 02:10   #61
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by PILKYBUSDRIVER
A damn good footballer died.What p*sses me off is you all treat it like your best mate has died.None of you knew him apart from those who's uncles cousins neighbours brothers nextdoors brother in laws aunt got an autograph etc.I'm sure none of us are glad to see him pass away,I know i'm not.If you want to say "george was the best"etc etc well I respect your opinion but you can't accept the bad points about him.No not being an alcoholic.A woman beater(repeatedly)Couldnt be bothered turning up for games because he was too busy with the latest miss world or another woman(well that is commitment when you are a paying supporter)I think he once ran over a woman in his car,he's been to prison,he's got a new liver on the condition he would not drink(if it was John Smith they would prob be dead by now due to no liver being provided).All this is by memory not by looking it up off the internet like you know it alls but I do remember the wogan show that used to be on bbc1 i think at 7pm when he just said" i love screwing"and was being very offensive or perhaps I dreamt that.
At the end of the day we all know he was talented as a footballer and anyone who is glad to see him dead is very twisted but look at the positive AND the negative and don't come on insulting each other like children.We all have our own opinions,respect them.RIP George.
Pilky, it seems you agree with the general consensus after all.

Bless you.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 27-11-2005 at 11:14.
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Old 28-11-2005, 14:02   #62
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

its a shame leeds and liverpool fans had to spoil the weekends 1minute silences, shame on them
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Old 28-11-2005, 14:47   #63
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

i thought the 1 minute noise idea was brilliant - we had one of those for my local librarian..
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Old 28-11-2005, 16:23   #64
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by slater_scott
its a shame leeds and liverpool fans had to spoil the weekends 1minute silences, shame on them
Shame on anyone who spoils a one minute silence for anyone. I was at the Blackburn Rovers 'V' Leeds match when there was a minutes silence due to the death of Matt Busby. The Leeds fans chanted throughout the "silence" about there being only "One Don Revie." Yea well, enough said about him and the Leeds fans for that matter.

It never ceases to amaze me how people love to pull other people down. George Best was, arguably, the best footballer the world has ever seen. He was certainly one of the best and I had the privilige of seeing him play. He was really the first "rich, overexposed, young, superstar-footballer" and the truth is, he obviously did not know how to handle this off the field. So, people have ripped him to shreds throughout most of his post footballing days (and many earlier than that) and continue to do so after his death. No matter how he would have conducted himself there would be plenty of people trying to drag his name through the mud.

Todays modern players are in a position to receive much better advice than George did on how to handle their fame and fortune. David Beckham is an example of this. Although not as talented as George Best by far, he is certainly among the most talented of his era. He is a family man who obviously loves his wife and children and has handled his affairs considerably better than did George. Or at least, most people would consider that he has. Does he receive any praise for this? Oh no!! He is ridiculed, taunted, has his name dragged through the mud at every opportunity and is the butt of jokes of every conceivable kind, many of which are directed at his family. It would appear that many people are hell bent on wanting to see the rich and famous fall. What a sad, sad trait.

RIP George. Wherever you are, I hope you're in the same team as Stanley Matthews, Emlyn Hughes, Dixi Dean, Bobby Moore and all the other great players who have given so much pleasure to football fans worldwide.
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Old 28-11-2005, 17:05   #65
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

at least George didn't die curious - he did it all!
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Old 02-12-2005, 06:24   #66
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

good footballer or not ...i have no sympathy for him (his familly yes).....he was given a second chance ( new liver ) at life and pi$$ed it up against a wall he didnt care about himself so why should i care about if he lives or dies somebody could have been given that liver who actually needed it not some washed up HONEST opinion and sorry if it offends some ....(waits for the karma steamroller )
Not totally true.Before you are even allowed a Liver transplant you have to fulfill certain criteria.You have to be totally clean for at least 12 months.Bestie fulfilled this and a little bit more.Ok he over indulged at certain times and of course it got in to the media for all the wrong reasons.
As an ex Alcholic i realise what is involved.Your comments remind me of the saying
' talking without putting your brain in to gear '
In the end it was the medicines that killed him and not the Alcohol.The drugs he had to take so that his body would not reject the Liver.
As it says your pen is huge but i believe that is all.
As it says in the bible them as have made no mistakes should cast the first stone
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 03-12-2005, 00:10   #67
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Re: Besty - R.I.P.

Originally Posted by Mik Dickinson
good footballer or not ...i have no sympathy for him (his familly yes).....he was given a second chance ( new liver ) at life and pi$$ed it up against a wall he didnt care about himself so why should i care about if he lives or dies somebody could have been given that liver who actually needed it not some washed up HONEST opinion and sorry if it offends some ....(waits for the karma steamroller )
Not totally true.
I respect your opinion, but not on this thread.
This is a football forum and we are merely paying our respects to the greatest and most loved footballer of the 20th century, personal life ASIDE.
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