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Old 20-03-2009, 18:26   #76
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jaysay
Human and Dingle dave
Don't you mean human or dingle jaysay? The Killers have just had a recent hit with Human. Here's the chorus:
Are we human?
Or are we dingle?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?
Or are we dingle?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 21-03-2009, 11:25   #77
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Don't you mean human or dingle jaysay? The Killers have just had a recent hit with Human. Here's the chorus:
Are we human?

Or are we dingle?
My sign is vital
My hands are cold
And I'm on my knees
Looking for the answer
Are we human?

Or are we dingle?
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Old 21-03-2009, 17:13   #78
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Much obliged for the negative Karma Bagpuss and the comment that came with it.

Well I didn’t ask what was between your ears but you supplied the information.

Obviously your debating acumen is none existent so like a spoilt child you have to resort to sneaky ways to “get your own back”. You did but I signed my comment.
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Old 21-03-2009, 18:32   #79
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

However it is comforting to know that in your arrogance you can state unequivocally that a referee’s judgement WILL be affected by crowds.
You need to learn how to read a sentence JB. I said a referee's judgement will be affected to some degree.

Psychology doesn't come into it - being human does.
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Old 21-03-2009, 18:38   #80
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by churchman phil View Post

....Utd won't like it at Fulham next game out....
And tonight's lottery numbers are.....
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Old 21-03-2009, 23:32   #81
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Much obliged for the negative Karma Bagpuss and the comment that came with it.
You're welcome but I have to say I don't remember giving negative karma, I must have been legless like this afternoon when Rooney was shown the red card where you copying his behaviour when you took some karma off me?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 22-03-2009, 12:45   #82
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Much obliged for the negative Karma Bagpuss and the comment that came with it.

Well I didn’t ask what was between your ears but you supplied the information.

Obviously your debating acumen is none existent so like a spoilt child you have to resort to sneaky ways to “get your own back”. You did but I signed my comment.
This has been bugging me as I know I didn't give you karma negative or good so why you chose to abuse me I can't understand, I will let you know that when I'm able you will be receiving a little present in your karma box from me.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 22-03-2009, 17:28   #83
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by churchman phil View Post
You need to learn how to read a sentence JB. I said a referee's judgement will be affected to some degree.

Psychology doesn't come into it - being human does.
My understanding of the English language is quite adequate thank you.

You stated, “It is just a statement that a referee's judgement WILL be affected by the crowd to some degree regardless of the man's integrity.” Note the emphasis on WILL.

I will leave you to figure it out.
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Old 22-03-2009, 18:11   #84
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
This has been bugging me as I know I didn't give you karma negative or good so why you chose to abuse me I can't understand, I will let you know that when I'm able you will be receiving a little present in your karma box from me.
It is quite simple. My points went down by 37 so whoever it was had a Rep Power of 74. You were the only person who at that time had a Rep Power of 74 and your award was made in response to my post #69 in this thread.

Of course it is not beyond the realms of probability that there is another forum member with a Rep Power of 74 but if there is that person has not contributed to this thread. And if it was another person and s/he was just browsing around, in all probability that person would have chosen a different post of mine.

Your “when I’m able” comment gives it away. It is a long while since you made me an award so you should be able to do so again right now but by your own admission you are unable to do so. The only thing stopping you is that you have made me an award recently and have to make 10 more awards before you can make me another ‘gift’. So maybe 10 people are going to get lucky just so you can prove your point. Then again having made your post today at 12:45 what stopped you from making me a gift after you made your post? Well you couldn’t could you because you made that award on the 19th at 21:16 and you haven’t made at least 10 other awards since then.

Finally your choice of comment of “You are now talking complete bollox” was your style.

So ergo it was you. And showing the same lack of moral fibre by not signing your award you are showing that same lack of moral fibre by trying to lie your way out of it.
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Old 22-03-2009, 18:36   #85
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

while you were arguing amongst yourselves children, United did the same thing again yesterday (not marking up, second to the ball, none of the usual sharpness, and got rooney and ronaldo frustrated again), losing to Fulham, man U should have scored plenty in thier second half attempt at redeeming themselves, but failed miserably, O am fairly confident though, that Sir Ferg will not allow it to progress into the next game.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 22-03-2009, 21:00   #86
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It is quite simple. My points went down by 37 so whoever it was had a Rep Power of 74. You were the only person who at that time had a Rep Power of 74 and your award was made in response to my post #69 in this thread.

Of course it is not beyond the realms of probability that there is another forum member with a Rep Power of 74 but if there is that person has not contributed to this thread. And if it was another person and s/he was just browsing around, in all probability that person would have chosen a different post of mine.

Your “when I’m able” comment gives it away. It is a long while since you made me an award so you should be able to do so again right now but by your own admission you are unable to do so. The only thing stopping you is that you have made me an award recently and have to make 10 more awards before you can make me another ‘gift’. So maybe 10 people are going to get lucky just so you can prove your point. Then again having made your post today at 12:45 what stopped you from making me a gift after you made your post? Well you couldn’t could you because you made that award on the 19th at 21:16 and you haven’t made at least 10 other awards since then.

Finally your choice of comment of “You are now talking complete bollox” was your style.

So ergo it was you. And showing the same lack of moral fibre by not signing your award you are showing that same lack of moral fibre by trying to lie your way out of it.
Who do you think you are Sherlock Holmes?

Just look at the first line of your deduction, I will quote you "My points went down by 37 so whoever it was had a Rep Power of 74", I ONLY HAVE A REP POWER OF 74 POINTS BECAUSE YOU GAVE ME NEGATIVE KARMA, will you apologise now.

I can't use karma because it says I have given too much out in 24 hours but you are now on my hit list and I rarely do that.
Please remember the last time I gave you karma, it was because you had made a lot of enemies so I would presume you have another to your collection hense the deduction and the comment, now leave me alone.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 23-03-2009, 11:08   #87
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
while you were arguing amongst yourselves children, United did the same thing again yesterday (not marking up, second to the ball, none of the usual sharpness, and got rooney and ronaldo frustrated again), losing to Fulham, man U should have scored plenty in thier second half attempt at redeeming themselves, but failed miserably, O am fairly confident though, that Sir Ferg will not allow it to progress into the next game.
Bet his nose was really shinny yesterday watching the Scoucers
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Old 23-03-2009, 12:42   #88
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

The whisky nose was on full show, and the chewing gum was getting a hiding yes, lol
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 24-03-2009, 17:36   #89
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Who do you think you are Sherlock Holmes?

Just look at the first line of your deduction, I will quote you "My points went down by 37 so whoever it was had a Rep Power of 74", I ONLY HAVE A REP POWER OF 74 POINTS BECAUSE YOU GAVE ME NEGATIVE KARMA, will you apologise now.

I can't use karma because it says I have given too much out in 24 hours but you are now on my hit list and I rarely do that.
Please remember the last time I gave you karma, it was because you had made a lot of enemies so I would presume you have another to your collection hense the deduction and the comment, now leave me alone.
Sherlock Holmes was a fictitious character. I am for real.


My poor deluded member you are forgetting one thing.

When I made you the negative award my Rep Power was 61 meaning that you got –30. Your Re Power was at 74 at the time and my –30 reduced your points by 30 but did not affect your Rep Power because –30 was not enough to bring the total down below a multiple of 50 points. If you cannot follow that reasoning then try this.

Let us assume that your points totalled 1,545. Deduct 30 and that brings them down to 1,515. For your Re Power to have gone down the points total would need to be reduced below 1,500.

The only person who should be apologising is you for trying to wriggle out of your situation by lying about it.

However, if you can give me some negative Karma tomorrow then that allows you to wriggle off the hook. But you won’t be able to because you haven’t been able to make 10 awards since the time that you gave me the negative Karma. Currently it appears that we are limited to one award per day and only 5 days have passed and that can only mean the maximum that you could have awarded elsewhere is 5 lots. Ergo you cannot make me an award until after the 29th but only if you make an award to someone else each day until then.

If you do not make me a negative award by midnight tomorrow the 25th then the evidence against you is overwhelming, my case is proven conclusively and whatever reputation you had is flushed down the pan.

I look forward to receiving some negative karma tomorrow sometime or an admission that you have been lying by denying it was you.

I suppose that you are now going to take a hissy fit and when actually able to zap me with some more negative Karma.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 24-03-2009, 21:09   #90
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

I signed on to accyweb tonight after a hard days work, too tired to even go to the footy and what am I met with but a torrent of abuse from a Sherlock Holmes wannabee.

I could go on but I will leave it to Jam Butty to explain what I did about 8.30pm tonight.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly

Last edited by Bagpuss; 24-03-2009 at 21:15.
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