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Old 24-03-2009, 21:24   #91
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
I could go on but I will leave it to Jam Butty to explain what I did about 8.30pm tonight.
I'm guessing you blew his theory of not being able to award negative karma out of the water
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Old 24-03-2009, 23:10   #92
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
I signed on to accyweb tonight after a hard days work, too tired to even go to the footy and what am I met with but a torrent of abuse from a Sherlock Holmes wannabee.

I could go on but I will leave it to Jam Butty to explain what I did about 8.30pm tonight.
I received a positive Karma award today at 2031 from Baggypuss. Did you intend it to be positive Karma or in your hurry to try and prove a point you made a mistake and forgot to click the negative radio button.

In order to do so you had to make 10 other awards between your last one to me on the 19th and today the 24th.

But I am limited to making one award per day, so how come Baggypuss could make 10 between the 19th and today (5 days) in order to zap me again? The only way you could do that is if you can make 2 awards per day like it used to be. Or has some sort of skulduggery gone on to enable you to make the award early?

Is there one rule for one and another rule for others? In fact I’ve just tried to make a Karma award only to get this message “You have given out too much Karma in the last 24 hours, try again later.” My last Karma award (a positive one) was made earlier today so I am still limited to one per 24 hours.

So I still stick to my assertion that it was you who made the negative award for the other reasons I have already stated.
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Old 24-03-2009, 23:41   #93
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Can i ask something ... what has karma got to do with football?
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 24-03-2009, 23:43   #94
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
Can i ask something ... what has karma got to do with football?

The thread is mostly about United & Liverpool so it's not about proper football anyway
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Old 25-03-2009, 00:43   #95
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

everyone as far as i'm aware is only allowed the same awards, i have never heard anything so ridiculous as to even suggest theres one rule fer some, have one of those hissy fits you accuse bagpuss of having n zap me again like ya did before you sad old man.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-03-2009, 01:05   #96
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Jambutty may be correct.. I only get one per day..but when the upgrade came on I got like three a day.. and now I can't even sling out one a day..the other day I tried to sling out some pos and got a knock back cos was told to much today when it was from the other day..then you end up forgeting who the ..gave you pos and try to sort out the other bod that negged.. it's all kaka's strange anyway I reckon bods should not be giving out bad karma on a football fred.. come on lads it's only a game
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Old 25-03-2009, 01:06   #97
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Unless I am mistaken members are only allowed to give one lot of karma out per day(well green karma that is because I very rarely dole the red stuff out). Add to that the fact that we have to spread it around then we can't always award karma when we might like to. For goodness sake you have been away for quite a while and then you come back moaning about karma again, does it really affect your life?
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Old 25-03-2009, 09:00   #98
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Jambutty may be correct.. I only get one per day..but when the upgrade came on I got like three a day.. and now I can't even sling out one a day..the other day I tried to sling out some pos and got a knock back cos was told to much today when it was from the other day..then you end up forgeting who the ..gave you pos and try to sort out the other bod that negged.. it's all kaka's strange anyway I reckon bods should not be giving out bad karma on a football fred.. come on lads it's only a game
everyone got that mancie, then it reverted to this.
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Old 25-03-2009, 10:50   #99
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

I had problems giving Karma to one person and it told me I'd given him to much and had to spread it about before I could give him more, hadn't given this particular member karma for over six weeks
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Old 25-03-2009, 11:08   #100
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I had problems giving Karma to one person and it told me I'd given him to much and had to spread it about before I could give him more, hadn't given this particular member karma for over six weeks
JB will get to the bottom of it John.
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Old 25-03-2009, 18:24   #101
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I received a positive Karma award today at 2031 from Baggypuss. Did you intend it to be positive Karma or in your hurry to try and prove a point you made a mistake and forgot to click the negative radio button.

In order to do so you had to make 10 other awards between your last one to me on the 19th and today the 24th.

But I am limited to making one award per day, so how come Baggypuss could make 10 between the 19th and today (5 days) in order to zap me again? The only way you could do that is if you can make 2 awards per day like it used to be. Or has some sort of skulduggery gone on to enable you to make the award early?

Is there one rule for one and another rule for others? In fact I’ve just tried to make a Karma award only to get this message “You have given out too much Karma in the last 24 hours, try again later.” My last Karma award (a positive one) was made earlier today so I am still limited to one per 24 hours.

So I still stick to my assertion that it was you who made the negative award for the other reasons I have already stated.
You have now lost the plot, like everyone else I'm only allowed to make award per day which I gave to you last night for making me laugh, yes a positive award.
If you would stop thinking I made an award to you on the 19th it would all become clear. There's no skullduggery so if I was you I would let it go because you are making yourself look a little foolish.

For anyone still interested I support Liverpool, Jammy Butt supports Man Utd, Liverpool beat Man Utd hense the bitterness perhaps.

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Old 25-03-2009, 20:13   #102
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Ah!!!! So maybe he's actually Fergie??
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Old 25-03-2009, 23:06   #103
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

some days you can make 3 karma awards good or bad , some days you can only give one

it depends if roy has altered the settings that particular day or not

i recall one particular day teh forum allowed 4 karma awrds to be made , you just have to try and see what happens

it may have stayed on 1 award a day simply becuse roy dosnt always have time to mess with the site
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Old 26-03-2009, 11:08   #104
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Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
JB will get to the bottom of it John.
I'm not holding my breath Roy, maybe because I can't
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Old 26-03-2009, 23:16   #105
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Cool Re: Bet Bagpuss is legless this afternoon

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I had problems giving Karma to one person and it told me I'd given him to much and had to spread it about before I could give him more, hadn't given this particular member karma for over six weeks
It isn’t how long ago you gave Karma but how many people you have given it to. It used to be 10 but I have just tried to make an award to the last 13 people that I made an award to and I got “You must spread some Karma around before giving it to xxxxx again”.I was able to, but didn’t, make an award to the 14th person.
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