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Old 02-03-2005, 14:22   #31
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Well we won so you are all wrong.And i do agree ' up Leicester '.Right up them.Looking forward to the semi final already.At the moment i feel that Rovers can compete with anybody in a 2 leg game, including the Mancs and the Southerners
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 02-03-2005, 15:28   #32
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

It wouldnt surprise me if Burnley beat Leicester next week and then rovers lose to them in the cup.
If you saw the game you would see that Burnley had quite a few good moves and they played good to say they were without the best defender in the Championship (John McGreal)
Put your money on Burnley for automatic promotion next season, we have around £2million to spend and SC is beggining to put together a great team. This season he worked on the defense and he has got that sorted, we have the second best defensive record in the league. He has said he is now looking at the midfielders and strikers. Burnley promotion season 05/06...... watch this space
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Old 02-03-2005, 15:41   #33
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Well it would surprise me Cafu it would surprise me a lot.We have a lot of players recovering from injury.However i am impressed with Burnley at the moment and would not be surprised if they did get promotion .Stanley too.Now that would be a year to remember
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 02-03-2005, 15:42   #34
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Originally Posted by Mik Dickinson
Well we won so you are all wrong.And i do agree ' up Leicester '.Right up them.Looking forward to the semi final already.At the moment i feel that Rovers can compete with anybody in a 2 leg game, including the Mancs and the Southerners
No offence to burnley but you struggled to beat a poor side ,the best hope is that arsenal still cant field a full squad and keep playing like they did last night and thats if you beat leicester . This is the thing with cups though its all about how you play on the day and who you draw as a few of the teams who ve gone out would normally wipe the floor with half of the teams still in it
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Old 02-03-2005, 15:48   #35
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Some of the teams still in the cup are competing in other cups i.e. Champions League.At this point in the season its where teams start getting tired and suffer from Injury worries.Thet is why i reckon Rovers have a good chance.Come on lads let me dream a bit eh!
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 02-03-2005, 17:03   #36
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Originally Posted by rockrabbit
No offence to burnley but you struggled to beat a poor side ,the best hope is that arsenal still cant field a full squad and keep playing like they did last night and thats if you beat leicester . This is the thing with cups though its all about how you play on the day and who you draw as a few of the teams who ve gone out would normally wipe the floor with half of the teams still in it
now of course if you had heard mark hughes he admitted that performance would get us knocked out by leicester, thus implying we were well below par last night.
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Old 02-03-2005, 20:42   #37
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Originally Posted by slater_scott
now of course if you had heard mark hughes he admitted that performance would get us knocked out by leicester, thus implying we were well below par last night.
lol when was you last on par ? I ll be shocked if you manage to make it to the final anyway , think you need a good few signings in the summer and pray you manage to stay up thats got to be your priority with the state your in . Also sign players that will get you into europe not bottom of the league players and first division ones like you have been doing .Feel free to sign fowler and mcmanaman off city lol
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Old 03-03-2005, 04:37   #38
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Doubt that would happen as Mark the Ex Red Bas*@*D is trying to turn the team in to the welsh national side see you. Now think about this........ Its a sunny day at Ewood and all the boys are on the pitch kicking a ball around when Robbie the Steam walks across, Robbie is new but has been a great friend of the Ex Red Bas**%d ever since the days of the druids, they are the firmest of friends and often shower together, Robbie's greatest asset is his smile and nasty tackles from behind, he approches Brett the Convict whos from a small Island in the southern hemisphere, Brett is known for his winning ways and crippling tackles that usually end up with the other person in traction. " Hi" says Robbie "hows it hanging,see you" "Fu#* o** you welsh Bast**@" says the ever engaging antipadian or "I'll rattle my chains at you, go and talk to Tugay" Robbie giggles to himself "imagine being called two gays, oh well I will have to get Mark to transfer him" He skips across the field kicking Dickov on the way past "seen any good German women recently" its so easy to wind up the little jock. Mark calls Robbie and says "everything is in place I have talked to the board and told them that the Welsh team is No2 in the world and because I used to play for ser alexxxx they belive me, I have lined up transfers for Paul Jones to replace the yank, Jason Koumas to replace two gays, and the great Sam Ricketts to play up front, we will soon turn this club in to a welsh squad and then we will move the whole club nearer to Wales so you can vist your family"

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Old 03-03-2005, 08:56   #39
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

pmsl thats one for the blackburn forums
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Old 03-03-2005, 14:06   #40
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Blackburn got a forum? Probably the only person on a Blackburn forum is slater scott

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Old 03-03-2005, 17:23   #41
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

Well done Bazf i enjoyed the humour and found it funny, however we seem to be forgetting one important thing here.Who did Burnley knock out to get to play Blackburn??????? Now who could have that been?And we could do you a favout at the weekend if we even take a point off Everton it will help 'Pool'
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 03-03-2005, 18:57   #42
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

May or May not be the fact that Cisse was injured, now how did he get injured erm lets think.... Blackburn Rovers have anything to do with it.......

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Old 03-03-2005, 19:52   #43
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

baz, cisse did himself and everyone knows it.
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Old 03-03-2005, 20:46   #44
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

up the clarets ,,and all the northern teams ,will you be doing a delia blackburn ?
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Old 03-03-2005, 21:01   #45
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Re: Blackburn Vs Burnley 1/03 - Predictions

and Jamie Carragher and Baros I could go on, how about Robbens from Chelsea of course its always an accident when rovers play.

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