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Old 14-01-2007, 06:43   #1
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David Beckham comes to California .......

Please , anyone in the Uk who has any influence , keep this guy and his anorexic skank of a wife in the UK , the California media as been going ape sh*t for the past few days , its like the Messiah and Mary Magdelene are going to alight amongst us , why can't the guy retire gracefully and open a pub in Morcambe, the guy may be an icon in the UK and Europe but over here he is only an idol for football (soccer) playing schoolgirls and members of various communities who have tattoo fetishes.

Proper, (as we know it,) football (not american football) is only a sport supported by the hispanic/latino community and various expat enclaves.
Football never took off in the States because the average American hasn't mental capabilities to watch 45 minutes of un-interuped television coverage play without adverisment breaks every 10 minutes to raid the fridge, (check out TV coverage of Baseball and American football, an American football game of 4 quarters (1 hour) usually lasts 4 hours).
Football (Soccer) in the US is usually between teams hundreds sometimes thousands of miles apart , ergo the local fans dont follow like in the European national leagues ,so any away games depend on television coverage and as mentioned above the TV companies are reluctant to carry games because of the lack of advertising revenue.

p.s . as an after-thought guys like Bryan Douglas and Ronnie Clayton were my heros as a kid , even Derek Dougan, (even if my Dad thought he was an as*hole)
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Old 14-01-2007, 12:31   #2
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Re: David Beckham comes to California .......

i think beckham going to the usa is a good thing because even though his IQ is very low even he knows that football should be played with your feet so hopefully he can raise the average americans intelligance level and awareness enough so that after generations of getting it wrong they may actualy correct their mistake

as for his stick of a wife ime sure with all those guns knocking about someone will end your missery on that score
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