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09-12-2009, 10:03
Resting in Peace
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by Stumped
Have already booked. Incidentally, was in Tenerife during the last world cup and witnessed a number of bars being trashed by so called England supporters and our flight home was delayed for 10-hours because of drunken behaviour at the airport. It's not so much the game that I am against - my criticisms are aimed largely at those idiots who use it as an excuse for barbaric behaviour.
I actually wish the team well. But just you watch the headlines should things go wrong!
I rest my case.
The plonkers that do these things don't need football as an excuse to create havoc they do it ever year, irrespective of fotball, they're just brain dead morons not football fans 
09-12-2009, 18:11
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by Stumped
Not difficult when you get to my age. It just irks me to find that football seems to have taken precedence over just about everything - life and death, even.
Irks me too ... especially as it should be obvious that it is hockey that should take precedence ... esp. with the Vancouver Winter Olympics coming up.   
10-12-2009, 10:25
Resting in Peace
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Re: England World cup 2010
10-12-2009, 18:14
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by jaysay
Ah, so you enjoy hockey   The beautiful game on ice; played by the likes of Mark "The Moose" Messier, Dave "Cement Head" Semenko ... and who can forget Gordie "Mr. Elbows" Howe.
However, I will be on the edge of my seat ... make that bar stool ... next summer cheering for England  I think that they have a decent chance of making the last four ... and if they get that far, who knows.
10-12-2009, 20:39
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by jaysay
The plonkers that do these things don't need football as an excuse to create havoc they do it ever year, irrespective of fotball, they're just brain dead morons not football fans 
Spot on Jaysay. I was a policeman for over 25-years and part of the remit (then as now) included policing football matches at grounds all across the county, where I saw for myself the barbaric standards of behaviour exibited by these morons who paid no regard to the fact that they were ruining the pleasure of genuine fans.
There's no FOOL like an 0LD FOOL!
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Put the GREAT back into BRITAIN.
10-12-2009, 21:09
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Re: England World cup 2010
"Barbaric standards of behaviour"  Sounds like the Detroit Redwings 
As long as I have wandered over to hockey again, might as well mention that, with hockey, it's sort of backwards .... all the mayhem is on the ice; the crowds, though loud and loyal, don't usually cause too many problems ... except it their team wins the Stanley Cup ... then there is a good-natured riot in the streets.
11-12-2009, 10:56
Resting in Peace
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by Eric
"Barbaric standards of behaviour"  Sounds like the Detroit Redwings 
As long as I have wandered over to hockey again, might as well mention that, with hockey, it's sort of backwards .... all the mayhem is on the ice; the crowds, though loud and loyal, don't usually cause too many problems ... except it their team wins the Stanley Cup ... then there is a good-natured riot in the streets.
Think this ice hockey could grow n me Eric 
16-12-2009, 01:40
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Re: England World cup 2010
Originally Posted by jaysay
Think this ice hockey could grow n me Eric 
If it's broadcast over there, I recommend the world junior hockey championship .... starts boxing day, and ends when the Canadians pick up the gold medal. All these kids will be in the NHL ... it's great hockey.
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