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Old 05-11-2003, 10:35   #16
I am Banned

Post Re: F.A.O Harry

Bit of overtime for doing nowt I suppose..

Why would they suggest closing pubs 15 minutes before the game starts.. Yet the Crown which backs onto the ground and has a big screen for watching the game has got a licence to open from 11am and any dumb copper with a computer can see huddersfield fans are arranging to meet in there... I am hoping to have a pint with them and the same level of banter we have with all away fans in there on a saturday ..
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Accrington Web
Old 05-11-2003, 10:37   #17
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Post Re: F.A.O Harry

It's just that when I popped into the "Coopers Arms" at the top of the hill the locals there were somewhat amused that some Accy fan had been playing on the bandit and had left £55 quids worth of credit....
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Old 05-11-2003, 10:49   #18
I am Banned

Post Re: F.A.O Harry

It wasnt a one armed bandit.. If you look closely at the picture it was a spot the mistake machine and showed naked women or summat.. theres a pic of two accy fans using it on my site... There was 10 quids worth of credit in it when we walked in and 50 quids worth when we walked out... no accy fan put a single penny into it

The people who run the pub should maybe take a look at the money in the machine.. they may find everyone has been using it and not paying... it must be broke.

Also if you where at gravesend then you know I was without asking
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Old 05-11-2003, 13:58   #19
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Post Re: F.A.O Harry

Sorry Harry - I neither looked at the "bandit" while in the pub (they are of no interest to me) nor at your website....I was more concerned with finishing my pint and a quick natter with the locals and that is what they told me.

Congratulations on your website, by the way - it's very good. Some great piccy's. I've just looked at it for the first time.

As there only appeared to be one guy at the game walking round taking piccy's then I assume that's you - but I did'nt know that when I asked the question earlier. It's years since I've been to a footy game, even more to see Stanley so I don't know who is who among the local crowd. It was a nice afternoon out, anyway.

You did'nt get me in any  of the pictures - cheers!
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