08-10-2003, 17:55
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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Halifax Last Night
Superb night out, got there about 18.30 staraight into "The Shay" pub, full of Stanley fans having a sing song and good crack, upto the ground and £12 later yes £12 was in ground, big big terrace behind goal, full of Stanley approx 500 in excellent vocal support. Good result but a very cold night, and one more thing the shay puts the interlink express to shame for food, sampled a hot dog and chips from the back of the stand which went down a treat very nice indeed. Back in Accrington for 22.15 very cold, but was soon warmed up by a brandy in Stanley Street Club, roll on Saturday Farnborough, followed by Engalnd v Turkey ( thats if we take a team  )
Bring back Ken Hargreaves