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Old 27-09-2005, 09:26   #1
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Thumbs up Inside Out (FCUoM)

Anybody watch the documentry on BBC1 last night on football history in the making, the birth of FC United of Manchester?It gave a good account of the feelings of both sets of supporters even the ones who chose to stick with the Manchester Buccaneers(coining a phrase from Bazf) seemed stuck in the middle & were tempted over.It was quite funny seeing myself and friends from Accy & Ossy on the coach going to watch the first away game against Leek CSOB.So far to the crowds have been growing,increasing by 50 or so every home game,it will be intresting though to see the gate next wednesday 5 october against Oldham Town as we suffered our first defeat on saturday against Norton Utd.Still enjoying the matches though the atmosphere is back like when my dad used to take me in the early 70's,something which had started disapearing at Old Trafford a few year ago, probably to do with the terraces being scrapped in favour of all seater stadia.One thing I didnt know we have attracted a bit of celebrity backing from Will Mellor, some of New Order & others who have joined together to record a song,very cheesie I know but I suppose it all helps the cause good on 'em
I think its not a flash in the pan & FCUoM or here to stay.
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Old 27-09-2005, 12:48   #2
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

But how long will it be like that? as promotion comes and supporters want what everyone else a roof etc, before you know it your kids will be starting another new club and saying it was like when my dad took me in 05. I think its a brilliant idea and anything that makes the scum look stupider then they are gets my vote, but still its minnie scum and you get what you pay for unless your an Everton fan.

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Old 28-09-2005, 14:23   #3
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

Reports say that Rio Ferdinand endeared himself further to his own fans by having a go at them after the final whistle in their game against Benfica.


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Old 30-09-2005, 15:25   #4
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

Although I think FCUoM is a good thing and I wish them well, I find it a bit sad and ironic to hear of people from Accy and Ossy going out of town on a coach to sample the simple pleasures of standing on the terraces, watching non-league football, well away from the commericalised farce that premiership football has become. They could have been doing that for years...and just down the road, too.
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Old 11-10-2005, 09:34   #5
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Although I think FCUoM is a good thing and I wish them well, I find it a bit sad and ironic to hear of people from Accy and Ossy going out of town on a coach to sample the simple pleasures of standing on the terraces, watching non-league football, well away from the commericalised farce that premiership football has become. They could have been doing that for years...and just down the road, too.
Why cant I support FCUoM, I was brought up watching MUFC as a kid with my dad (1970's) so ive seen the bad times aswell. i.e The back heel from Dennis Law that religated us to what was Div 2. Aswell as good 1999 and the treble.And me personnally do go watching Stanley when the games dont coincide.I was at the Hereford game on Friday night & to my shock was captured about 3 times by Kipax on his photos.Bet he did it on purpose LOL as he knows I go FCUoM.
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Old 12-10-2005, 11:26   #6
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

You're perfectly free to support whoever you want. I was just commenting on the fact that it seems strange for Accrington people to be going to Bury to support a second division North West Counties club, when they have one of the best non-league teams in the country, crying out for more support, right on their own doorsteps. But, whatever turns you on...

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 12-10-2005 at 11:28. Reason: Dyslexia!
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Old 12-10-2005, 12:26   #7
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

I always wondered why they didn't call themselves Football's United Club Encompassing Manchester

Think about it!
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Old 20-10-2005, 11:36   #8
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Re: Inside Out (FCUoM)

Originally Posted by entwisi
I always wondered why they didn't call themselves Football's United Club Encompassing Manchester

Think about it!
LOL I know what you mean but it says practically same thing any way,F C U M......
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