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03-02-2011, 09:37
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Alan Varrechia
But he won't get a Premiership Winner's Medal though. Any of the scousers into double figures yet? United have got the leading scorer and the leader in assists   
03-02-2011, 09:46
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Oh how times have changed it was not that long ago your good self Barrie was saying that United had lent Rovers the wrong Striker sould have been Berbatov 
03-02-2011, 10:46
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by jaysay
Oh how times have changed it was not that long ago your good self Barrie was saying that United had lent Rovers the wrong Striker sould have been Berbatov 
Still stick by that, but he would not have got the support at Rovers thant he gets from la Creme. I can think of a few strikers that I would rather have. But, we keep on winning - certainly not losing, whereas Rovers have lost more than they have won - even the scousers have a better record.
It is still catch us if you can - the only way anyone else is going to win the Premiership is if we lose it.   
03-02-2011, 10:50
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Still stick by that, but he would not have got the support at Rovers thant he gets from la Creme. I can think of a few strikers that I would rather have. But, we keep on winning - certainly not losing, whereas Rovers have lost more than they have won - even the scousers have a better record.
It is still catch us if you can - the only way anyone else is going to win the Premiership is if we lose it.   
Come on the Wolves you can do it, if the nice through ball was anything to go by at Bolton last night, pity it was at the wrong end, mind you at least its on the telly Saturday aft just for a change   
03-02-2011, 14:25
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
A good week for D in G, late burst for the Europa League perhaps   They also got rid of the Spanish bloke so no doubt D you will be celebrating. 
Can't knock it  Things do appear to be looking up for us. As to Torres not sad to see him go really as he wasn't sparking as he should've been, to much time injured & since the WC in South Africa virtually wasn't there ! Still we can't fault his contribution when he was on form though.
All the best to him in what he does (with the exception of any games against the Pool). 
04-02-2011, 22:51
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
See Torres has been on the TV, he says he's still got respect for the Pool & should he score on Sunday, he'll not make a big deal about it.
No gloating ? Speaking of which, anyone know were that plazzy Manc Mancie is ??? I've noticed he's not been on of late, despite his daft rants I'm actually missing his input & biased chuntering ! 
04-02-2011, 23:36
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Speak of the devil eh Dave?... so now all is rosey at Anfield.. but you play Chelski away.. I reckon things will get back to normal..LOL
04-02-2011, 23:40
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
You wouldn't chuckle !! Welcome back Mancie. Yeah I know Chelski Sunday, but the Boys seem to have the bit between their teeth & who knows eh ?
05-02-2011, 10:56
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Mancie
Speak of the devil eh Dave?... so now all is rosie at Anfield.. but you play Chelski away.. I reckon things will get back to normal..LOL
Welcome back Mancie, I only hope you've been on holiday causing your absence from AW and not problems health wise
05-02-2011, 16:30
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Mancie
Speak of the devil eh Dave?... so now all is rosey at Anfield.. but you play Chelski away.. I reckon things will get back to normal..LOL
Reckon that it is already starting to get back to normal - 1630 hrs and Rovers are 2-4 down   
05-02-2011, 19:29
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
05-02-2011, 23:52
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Oh dear!!!   
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-02-2011, 10:53
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by cashman
I notice there are has been a distinct lack of plastic mancs on here since around 1930hrs Yesterday cashy, wonder why  
06-02-2011, 15:15
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by jaysay
I notice there are has been a distinct lack of plastic mancs on here since around 1930hrs Yesterday cashy, wonder why  
Perhaps they run n hide when its coming to bite the ass? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-02-2011, 15:27
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Re: Liverpool road to the title 2011
Originally Posted by cashman
Perhaps they run n hide when its coming to bite the ass? 
well its now going on near 24 hours since the Wolves did the dirty deed and not one token appearance from a plastic, maybe they're waiting for the results of the inquest by Sir Red Nose, to be published, no doubt it will be about an inexperienced Ref (youngest in the Prem) who failed to give 4 penalties and didn't rule at least one goal offside and of course only 5 minutes of injury time, now that was bloody ridiculous, the league will no doubt be getting a strongly worded letter about the standard of refereeing dropping with less and less of the men in black sticking to United's rules, its just not on United having to use a level playing field is it   
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