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Old 11-07-2008, 10:44   #1
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Thumbs down Lutons 30pt deduction

Speaking as A Leeds united fan, i can relate to been deducted points before the season starts...
however i think this ruling is bull sh*t. What are they trying to do to this poor club?
Thats 10 games worth of points to catch up!!!
I think its cruel what has happened to Luton over the years, and as i said before Im a Leeds Fan so i know a thing or two about this kinda scenario.

( Might aswell put an "R" next to lutons name on the league table at the start of the season.)

Good Luck Luton!
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:02   #2
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Re: Lutons 30pt deduction

Yeah got to agree its going to be a hard season for them to avoid the drop.Just been reading about it here is the link
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Old 12-07-2008, 14:25   #3
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Re: Lutons 30pt deduction

Clubs know the rules on adminstration, and these rules are not being kept to by these teams, is down to bad management, with Leeds being a prime example, Bates thought he was pullng a fast one, and he didn't get away with it, tough, suffer the consequences.
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Old 20-07-2008, 21:05   #4
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Re: Lutons 30pt deduction

Macclesfield's Chairman was on the radio the other day and explained how they'd lost out on players to Luton, as Luton were offering money that Macc couldn't match.

As we now know, Luton were operating well outside of their means and now they will have to face the consequences.

If it was a one off then I could have some sympathy, but they've been in administration 3 times in the last 10 years, so they knew what the consequences were.
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