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04-12-2014, 06:22
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Have the scousers given up already even when their team are on a charge for the top of the league 
Not one to get over excited I'll continue to watch the progress with most things crossed.  Maybe it won't be our season for the league this year, but finishing above the Manky U's would be a plus. 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
04-12-2014, 16:27
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Not one to get over excited I'll continue to watch the progress with most things crossed.  Maybe it won't be our season for the league this year, but finishing above the Manky U's would be a plus. 
I am sure they will strive to consistently achieve the amazingly low standards they have become used to 
09-12-2014, 19:02
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
What a great FA Cup draw, it must give the Stanley lads that extra boost to overcome Yeovil - then a ground swap for the tie with La Crème - a share of a 76K gate, oh boy what that will do for the Stanley finances - C'mon Stanley
09-12-2014, 19:08
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
What a difference a year makes - how it shows up the large egg dressing on the scousers who were slagging La Crème last season - By the way, does anyone know where they are hiding (other than the only true scouser - Hi DinG)
3rd - 9th
28pts - 21pts
9 GD - 0GD
Footballs a funny game, situations can change quite quickly in half of a season  
09-12-2014, 20:57
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
What a great FA Cup draw, it must give the Stanley lads that extra boost to overcome Yeovil - then a ground swap for the tie with La Crème - a share of a 76K gate, oh boy what that will do for the Stanley finances - C'mon Stanley
A great draw indeed & hopefully we can win the replay & start making plans for the 3rd round - a ground swap can not happen though as this is no longer an option unless there is a safety risk.
To be honest if we do get through next Tuesday night I'd rather play them at the Crown as although a stadium with a bigger capacity would obviously mean more money through the turnstiles it would take away our home advantage & deprive us of the pleasure of watching United's pampered players coping with our facilities & that will be priceless 
09-12-2014, 22:21
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by AccyMad
A great draw indeed & hopefully we can win the replay & start making plans for the 3rd round - a ground swap can not happen though as this is no longer an option unless there is a safety risk.
To be honest if we do get through next Tuesday night I'd rather play them at the Crown as although a stadium with a bigger capacity would obviously mean more money through the turnstiles it would take away our home advantage & deprive us of the pleasure of watching United's pampered players coping with our facilities & that will be priceless 
Wasn't aware that they cannot swap the venue - just thinking of the revenue that would go Stanley's way if it was done as it used to be with a 50/50 split of the gate money. But anyway let us hope they overcome Yeovil 
09-12-2014, 22:34
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind - perhaps the dodger meant next year when he talked of conquering Europe 
Still you still have the Europa League to look forward to and of course your biggest game of the season on Sunday 
I don't really fancy our chances as we are playing such crap and the scousers are such a great team - according to BG, and we are destined for relegation - also according to BG
Poor chap must really be sick - probably sick that all his predictions have fallen flat. Do wonder where he and all the other so called scouse supporters are hiding leaving poor old DinG to carry on by himself  
10-12-2014, 17:37
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
A thought for all the scousers
12-12-2014, 22:26
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
13-12-2014, 07:54
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by Guinness
I had seen it G but didn't want to criticise too harshly. How quickly the year seems to have gone - is it really 12 months since BG was telling us that La Crème were in terminal decline and the scousers were on their way to becoming the real force in the Premier League.
Well tomorrow will be interesting, the Kings in waiting against poor old La Crème - the world according to BG will see the scousers triumph - could well be, we will probably continue to play crap and it really all depends on who plays the worst crap - La Crème without a settled defence and the scousers unable to score or stop the opposition from scoring.
BG must be on a long holiday or he must have been flying Malaysia Airlines 
13-12-2014, 15:05
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by Guinness
Much as I hate to publicise anything plastic...ya gotta laugh
Ya Scrote!  Pish taking as it is, I can appreciate the humour & must admit to grinning while viewing.
Looking for a good game against the Mankies on Sunday, hopefully the Pool will show some old style grit against the "Qwd enemy" eh Barrie!! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
13-12-2014, 23:57
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Ya Scrote!  Pish taking as it is, I can appreciate the humour & must admit to grinning while viewing.
Looking for a good game against the Mankies on Sunday, hopefully the Pool will show some old style grit against the "Qwd enemy" eh Barrie!! 
"Qwd enemy" - is that a new scousism?
Just hoping both teams play well tomorrow DinG, if either one play the usual crap then it won't be so good and if they both play the usual crap it will be a fiasco
See that all your mates are still missing 
14-12-2014, 12:33
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
"Qwd enemy"
See that all your mates are still missing 
Okay, the first 'un was a typo, as to the second point, they're probably busy out & about doing their Christmas nicking! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
14-12-2014, 15:43
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
14-12-2014, 16:54
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Re: Mancie's Thread - The Scousers search for the Holy Grail
Oh dear, what a shame, never mind. The gap is only 10 points and I am sure you will make that up before the season ends
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Si, you should know, there's Scouse Gits (who are proxy Manks) ..... And there's Scouse Gits! (From Anfield who kick Manky arse)
And a Scouse Git showed your foreign legion (are there any scousers in the team except Past His Sell By Date Gerrard?), how to run a game and score goals - and be there right to the end - did you say where your other scouse supporters are? They can't all be nicking hub caps or Rudolph's legs.  
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