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05-10-2008, 22:45
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Haha... can't let go of the past. I like that one! Making it seem like dear old Incey's been a lovely bloke for years and us nasty Stanley fans are picking on him for something he did when he was eight! What are we like!!
05-10-2008, 22:46
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by Royboy39
I'm sorry I missed something here...Your side is?
His point is he is one of them with something growing on his forhead and it is not a zitt,give it a few weeks and when something drops he will be blind 
05-10-2008, 22:53
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by mthead
Lets see your spelling after a few jars,wasnt aimed at you just the idiots having a go at stanley fans coming on here voicing thier opinions.READ what I put(If you are able) then you might see my point.Why have a go at them for posting on here ?They are talking about Rovers staff so whats the problem?I cant see one.
I have no problem with that....and I too have had one or two Rum and diet cokes....my favourite tipple.
This is not aimed at Stanley fans in general....they seem to be a great and loyal bunch of lads and lasses...but...the rantings of one or two who take great delight in (Without knowledge or experience) try to be to be in the forefront of all that is going on in the football world.
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05-10-2008, 23:01
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by shakermaker
Haha... can't let go of the past. I like that one! Making it seem like dear old Incey's been a lovely bloke for years and us nasty Stanley fans are picking on him for something he did when he was eight! What are we like!!
Seems like the 'Pop' in Aberdeen is stronger than the one we have in Spain?...............time for boboes?
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05-10-2008, 23:32
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Ahhh. I see your game now. You're doing the "I know I'm wrong but he's under fifty so I'll just play the early bed time card and look WELL good and clever" routine.
A worthy adversary.
Well I'll play along with my role.

05-10-2008, 23:54
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
You don't have to have much football knowledge to know that Ince is a mong, "call me the guv'nor" ..... what is that all about Mr 1950's?
06-10-2008, 01:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by Willie Miller
You don't have to have much football knowledge to know that Ince is a mong, "call me the guv'nor" ..... what is that all about Mr 1950's?
well bet you never won any "bonny baby" contests willy either eh?
Originally Posted by shakermaker
I obviously wasn't including you in the fickle comment cashman, I know that you said from the start that you fancied Ince to be a decent manager and would give him a fair crack. The fickle gits that get my goat up are the ones that have concurred with the consensus of Ince's idiocy for years, even when he was on the shortlist to become Rovers manager, yet now because he's the manager all previous assertions are overlooked and even denied! Blind, silly faith.
know ya wern't shaker, but anyone who attacks owt i love can expect me to stay stum? i don't think so.  
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-10-2008, 07:50
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
bit like the stanley section where others get slated for posting OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS...
stick to your own section of the site as they get told.... comment on your own team, we dont care what you think about ince or rovers !!!
and i stick by the sour grapes remark !!!
And I don't care what you think about my opinions (stamp me feet and have a tantrum as you obviously are doing) ...... now are you going to play nicely or have a hissy fit and take your ball home.
Oh and I do comment on my own team and management - frequently and not always in a good way - just didn't realise that was all I was allowed to do.
06-10-2008, 08:00
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Seems you have got a downer on Incy....why not try writing to him with your comments?.....Stick to your own team forum where caustic comments seem to be the norm and Ill informed reteric goes unheaded or ignored.
I watched Accrington Stanley at Peel Park, probably before you were born and the first two results I look for is Rovers and Stanley.
Before you pass comment on anyone else's management structure take a look at your own.
I have never claimed that our management is perfect (in fact they are far from it in my opinion), as for writing to Ince - already been done after his last episode of disgraceful behaviour at our ground. However I fail to see why I should 'stick to my own teams forum' - I thought the whole of AccyWeb was open to anyone's opinions - obviously it is not.
06-10-2008, 09:08
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by cashman
well bet you never won any "bonny baby" contests willy either eh?
Dunno i was a baby, but I done alright with my current girlfriend, maybe its my personality.....
06-10-2008, 09:20
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by AccyMad
However I fail to see why I should 'stick to my own teams forum' - I thought the whole of AccyWeb was open to anyone's opinions - obviously it is not.
I agree with you totally and said so in previous posts on this thread.You are talking about a member of the Rovers staff so its not off topic,and as any of the mods will tell you,Accyweb is open to anyone so just carry on posting your points of view.It would be a pretty boring forum if everyone agreed on the same things 
06-10-2008, 10:14
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Well to my mind I actually think that Stanley supporters would be better consentrating on their own team, because the way things are going 30 point deductions suffered by other clubs ain't going to aide your team. I for one don't go into the Stanley section on here, because being a Rovers support, its not my concern really. But like Roy I frequented Peel Park on many occasions before half of you lot were born, and after the Rovers I like to see Stanley doing well, but at the moment they are on a downward spiral, which should concern you lot more than what our manager gets up to, and if things don't change very fast times are looking very bleak indeed
06-10-2008, 10:23
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by jaysay
...which should concern you lot more than what our manager gets up to
It does. No one has said or acted otherwise. Ince has connections with our team hence the comments. As mthead said it'd be a pretty pointless forum if everyone with like minded views kept to their own and banished everyone else!
06-10-2008, 10:24
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well to my mind I actually think that Stanley supporters would be better consentrating on their own team, because the way things are going 30 point deductions suffered by other clubs ain't going to aide your team. I for one don't go into the Stanley section on here, because being a Rovers support, its not my concern really. But like Roy I frequented Peel Park on many occasions before half of you lot were born, and after the Rovers I like to see Stanley doing well, but at the moment they are on a downward spiral, which should concern you lot more than what our manager gets up to, and if things don't change very fast times are looking very bleak indeed
well be fair,it does help take there mind off things. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-10-2008, 10:28
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Re: Rovers v Man Utd
Originally Posted by shakermaker
It does. No one has said or acted otherwise. Ince has connections with our team hence the comments. As mthead said it'd be a pretty pointless forum if everyone with like minded views kept to their own and banished everyone else!
Yes, the not forgettable intentional leg out to trip OUR player over, the incidents at the FES when ince managed MK, the verbal arrogance & violence to our players, staff & even our very own HARWOOD RED!!
Yet most were having a go at our chairman for his loose tongue of launguage, which was not as offensive to what ince said to a woman
So thats why we have a low opinion, we've dealt with him longer than u guys - so be warned!
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