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Old 14-06-2005, 22:42   #1
Junior Member

Stockport County FC

First of all I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read this message even though it does not concern your club.

I don’t know if any of you have seen in the media what is happening to my beloved club Stockport County, in the last few seasons the club has had several managers and been relegated twice from the old first division to the old third division, our club ownership has also changed to a company called Cheshire Sports whom also own Sale Sharks RFU club.

Not only have we had to endure a string of incompetent managers but also massive under funding of our first team, which has led to our downfall.

In the past few months as some other clubs have done, we have formed a supporters trust with the hope of buying the club from its current owners. The trust board has successfully negotiated terms for the purchase which is due to take place on 1st July 2005, and since then we have undertaken different events to raise money for the future of the club and we have made sure that we have adequate money to take us forwards. Unfortunately, we have since found out from the FA that we must have £325,000 as a contingency fund to ensure that all our fixtures can take place if the trust were to become bankrupt etc.

We have all seen how easy it is for the bottom to fall out of football as it did with the ITV digital debacle so it is understandable that reserve money should be in place. The statistic that 39 of the 72 League clubs have gone into administration or folded since 1992 tells its own story. At Accrington, you know more about what it's like to be down-and-out than most, so I'm sure you can understand our situation.

To raise the money the trust came up with the idea of issuing bonds for a cost of £50 each, and in return there is a chance that should we do well financially there could be a dividend payment to everybody who has bought a bond. This IS a financial risk make no mistake about it but it could also show a return.

What I am asking is that people who can afford it sign up for one of the bonds to secure the future of this historic club. Please please think about this, if you cannot afford £50 perhaps you and some friends could chip in together? All it takes is 10 people at £5pp to make a massive difference!!

If by 1st July this money is not in place then our planned takeover of OUR club will not happen, and there are other investors waiting in the wings most notably John Batchelor who some of you will know was the man who decimated York City FC. We do not want this man at our club and have done everything we can to keep him out, but we cannot do it on our own.

I know there always seems to be some club or other in trouble, and as the saying goes the strongest survive but think about it, how would you feel if this were your club?!

Stockport County have long been a selling club finding talents for other teams, Andy Welsh for Sunderland who has been a revelation, ex Southampton goalkeeper Paul Jones, Midfielder Chris Marsden, defender Lee Todd manager Dave Jones, Middlesborough forward Alun Armstrong, Birmingham City forward Kevin Francis, Wolves midfielder Kevin Cooper, Sheffield United sensation Derek Geary, to name but a few, these players have all gone on from us to bigger and better things and who knows where they would be if they had not learned there trade with us.

I don’t want anybody to feel bullied by this post if you can’t help, like I said earlier thanks for reading, if you can please put your hand in your pocket, tell your friends do whatever you can to help this club.

I am posting a message on every club message board, as some bonds have already been purchased by fans of other teams. I am doing my bit for my club please please do what you can to help us – if you are a genuine football fan you will understand our plight and no doubt not want to see our team disappear.

If you are interested please visit

If you have any question you can email me @ [email protected]

Thank you for your time!

PS. Please could you copy and paste this message to your clubs other message boards for me, thanks!
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