Got to agree about Beckham
1. Apparently the off-the-field antics of Beckham don't matter. Wrong. You ask any top manager and they will tell you that the way a player behaves off the pitch is pivotal to his performances on it. Thierry Henry does a few adverts, but basically he goes home after training, rests up and thinks about improving. Look at the level Roy Keane got to when he stopped letting stuff get in the way. Achieving potential is all about putting football first. Beckham does not do that. He spends too much time and energy jetting around generally being a prat and getting silly tattoos and haircuts. It would affect anyone.
2. The Greece game. Beckham did what he does. Ran himself ragged and took loads of free-kicks. Most of them were rubbish. One was good and long overdue. This game against a very average team is cited again and again when anyone criticises Beckham. It's pointless. It was three years ago. It's gone. Focus on what you see before you now. A good player but with an average touch and limited technical ability. No \ pace, no dribbling skill. Out for himself over the team. A prima donna.
3. Beckham told everyone to calm down when we scored. Thanks for that David. Let's keep you in the England team forever. Beckham is not a good motivator on or off the pitch. The other players, despite what they might say in public, don't like him. He is so insecure that he constantly requires special treatment instead of standing up as first among equals. On the pitch he has very limited organisational or communication skills.
4. The Istanbul penalty. Yes, his standing foot slipped. But this was because he was putting far too much weight on it as his penalty technique is rubbish. He takes them like a 30-yard free kick. Leaning back, no control or direction. He is rubbish at them. A less vain player would realise this and be selfless enough to pass the responsibility on to Lampard whose technique is miles better. But Beckham cannot pass up the chance of personal glory, even if it means the team will suffer.
With Beckham a penalty is a flip of a coin, whereas it should be 95%. Even the one he scored against Argentina was rubbish. And no, this unfortunate slipping routine does not happen to all players. It does not happen to Zidane. It never happened to Klinsman, Lineker, Van Basten, Gascoigne, Wright, Shearer,
Le Tissier etc etc. That is because they were taking them properly. They may have missed sometimes, but not through a lack of technique.
5. The major tournaments. Beckham let everyone down in 98 against Argentina. In 2000 he was okay but uninspiring. In 2002 he bottled a challenge that led to Brazil's equaliser and was rubbish throughout the tournament. Even when we went out, he was more concerned with how the picture of him would look consoling Seaman than anything else. It's pathetic.
Beckham had a good first half season at Madrid, but he is limited. He has a great right foot. He is an excellent passer and one of the best crossers in the game. His stamina until recently has also been excellent. That's it.
A good England manager would tell him to shut it, stay on the right wing and concentrate on covering G Nev and putting crosses in. Do what you can do and don't try what you can't.
Whinge over. And I will be right behind him on Thursday, come what may.