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13-06-2004, 23:21
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The Great debate.
These posts have been move because the debate was it the wrong thread
PC Plod 3487
Last edited by PC Plod 3487; 16-06-2004 at 17:17.
16-06-2004, 12:53
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
You're right, kippax...I never go with the flow. I advance in only one direction - and that is towards the sound of the guns.
16-06-2004, 13:05
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
Yes we know.. Its a bit like you using two Ps in my name. You know its wrong.. but you want to be different. Your an attention seeker. Theres nothing wrong with that.. takes allsorts to make a world mate.. being an attention seeker isn't wrong.
But you go too far sometimes.. slagging off your own country to get attention is sick IMHO
But don't worry.. I just call ya a ****** and get on with life... I mean its not like you messed around with this weeks soaps or owt is it ? 
16-06-2004, 13:24
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
We are on topic..
16-06-2004, 13:58
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
I agree, Kipax........we are on topic. I don't however, slag off my country - I only slag off those imbeciles in Portugal who claim to represent and support it...another nights drunken riots last night, I see. Presumably you're proud of this nonsense?
(P.S. Sorry about the spelling...that was'nt deliberate. I'll get it right in future..  )
16-06-2004, 14:06
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
Presumably you're proud of this nonsense?
eeerm i really have no idea how you get to that? I take offence at what you say about the English team and you think I am proud of drunks fighting in portugal.. Sorry I can't find the link ?
This is off topic... But the bit about your opinions on the gt harwood show and how they only differ to other peoples is because you like to differ (is that a real word?) is on topic in my opinion .
16-06-2004, 14:30
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
Fasinating...so there is no link between drunks wearing English replica football shirts fighting in Portugal, 30,000 riot police on standby and the presence of the English Footy team.....presumably there was no link either in Euro 2000, '96, '92 etc etc....
I like the bit about me being a self-publicist.....OK, I own up - I am. All I need now is to get my own website.....any suggestions for examples where I can look?
16-06-2004, 15:25
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
I said i cant find the link between me not liking your slagging england off and your assuption that I am proud of what yobs do.... Its quite amazing in fact that I can take offence at you slagging off England and you then presume I am proud of a bunch of morons... Whats the link that you presume such a thing?
16-06-2004, 15:34
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Re: Gt Harwood Show 2004
Come on girls, settle down or we'll have to have the handbags at 10 paces scenario!
16-06-2004, 16:11
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Re: The Great debate.
tell you wot why dont you both meet up in the miners on sunday, believe me kipax YOU WILL change your mind when you meet old tea there so come on even if its only for 1/2 hr //
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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16-06-2004, 16:53
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Re: The Great debate.
I'm pi**ed off.....I spent the good part of an hour replying to Kipax's diatribe only to see it blasted into the furthest reaches of Cyberspace because Plod has moved the goalposts....now I know how beckham feels like each and every time he misses his penalty for England.
Which, of course, was the object of my earlier points. How anyone can seriously translate love of country into supporting those imbeciles in Portugal is beyond me. What's the first thing they will do when they get on the pitch? Why, mime some mumbo-jumbo to pass off for singing the national anthem.
Meanwhile, any attempt on my part to have a quiet pint and a ggod conversation will be ruined by hoards of screaming, tattooed laddettes, topped up with alcopops, while their equally obnoxious boyfriends will be "Oohhhing" and "Ahhhhhhing" for 92 meaningless minutes...
It was'nt like this in '66....we went in coldly & clinically and did the job....Ramsey puffed on his pipe & Moore raised the trophy and then we all went home. Of course, the thing is, we knew how to win in those days...Ah well.
Where's tonights riot taking place? Same place as last night?
16-06-2004, 18:14
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Re: The Great debate.
Cant be bothered... dont like being monitored and treated like a naughty schoolboy....
16-06-2004, 18:18
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Re: The Great debate.
mez? change my mind about what? are you saying if i meet him i wont like him and will stop having healthy debates with him ?
16-06-2004, 18:19
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Re: The Great debate.
JohnW whats your problem? why are you calling people girls... ? please explain what part of our debate you are so offended by that you wish to resort to childish name calling?
16-06-2004, 18:20
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Re: The Great debate.
Why are so many people so intent on telling the rest of us what to do ?
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