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Old 17-12-2004, 14:02   #1
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The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Here's an interesting little article that cropped up in today's British Medical Journal:

If Offside cannot be accuratly judged, as they appear to be saying, then why have have the Rule in the first place, other than than to provoke retrospective debate? Any comments on the implications of what they're saying?
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:31   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

just dug this old cherry up to save starting a thread offside is the most controversial rule in football, should it be scrapped? would the game be better for spectators etc, to me the game would flow better without it,so i think YES.
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:59   #3
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Modofied and made simpler perhaps but not scrapped. If it was scrapped then teams would just stick a couple of players on the opposing goal line and lump the ball up to them all match. It would be like watching Watford v Stoke every game
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Old 10-01-2008, 07:20   #4
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

It's something which used to frustrate me when I played hockey. I could never fathom it out and it always ended up with a 'heated debate' which went on long after the game.

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Old 10-01-2008, 11:28   #5
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Modofied and made simpler perhaps but not scrapped. If it was scrapped then teams would just stick a couple of players on the opposing goal line and lump the ball up to them all match. It would be like watching Watford v Stoke every game
is it my imagination or are those 2 clubs Higher than burnley? take onboard what yer saying dave, perhaps modified so you can only be offside in the 6 yard box?
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:47   #6
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
is it my imagination or are those 2 clubs Higher than burnley?

Good point.

Lets say effective but horrible to watch then. Might get you out of the championship but probably the reason Watford went straight back down.

Personally I would go for the penalty area as a whole. Nothing more frustrating than seeing wingers pulled up for offside miles from the goal.
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:27   #7
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

i could go with the penalty area, think they should try for a season,then review, by speaking to refs,managers etc.
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Old 10-01-2008, 14:50   #8
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Well lets say on-line with the 18yd box across the width of the pitch so that there is no confusion of where they in the penalty box (if you see what I mean)
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Old 27-01-2008, 23:08   #9
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Re: The Offside Rule - A Medical Perspective

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Personally I would go for the penalty area as a whole. Nothing more frustrating than seeing wingers pulled up for offside miles from the goal.
Yep totally agree. many times seen a great move from midfield where the attacker has the legs on the defence after they`ve all pushed forward and he`s offside yet still 50 yards from goal. Offside only from 18 yard line to goal-line.
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