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Old 15-05-2008, 15:55   #16
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by mani View Post
go to 31 seconds and u can clearly see a rangers fan knocking out another rangers fan...
i see the good old police did a good job of looking after the fellow that got ko'd....fantastic lads !!!

granted the huns shouldnt have thrown bottles etc, but when the police wade in batons flaring what do they expect the fans to do, stand there and get clobbered ?? do exactly the same and give them what for, at the end of the day its assault !!!.....

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Old 15-05-2008, 16:24   #17
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

not-condoning the behaviour, but it dont take a genius to know, if ya get a large group of people, supply em wi alcohol, n then deprive em of what they had gone to see, a small minority of em are gonna kick-off, its that simple, makes me wonder, was the equipment tested pre- match? this would have happened anywhere given those circs, n not just at a football match, can envisage the same thing happening at other venues, its not rocket science.
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Old 15-05-2008, 16:43   #18
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

BR - they only came in after the bottle throwin had started
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:01   #19
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

given I was there - ticketless I can say that I did not see any violence till I got up today and switched the news on, and I am thoroughly embaressed and sickened about it all 100%, and to the poster who said there was 5/6 screens - not the case - 2 in albert square, 1 in picadilly gardens and 1 for the russian fans the other side of the city - 3 for rangers in total (were were the others?) - I was in albert square where there was 2 screens which worked fine, we did mention to other fans that putting 10,000 folk in a 'cage' giving them beer from early doors and letting them wait 9 hours for a footie match is a recipe for disaster and we said this at 2pm that day...and it turns out I was correct..even the police where we were we great, having a laugh, taking pics for folk etc...all good natured which is why I couldnt believe what went on after watching the news this morning..
and to the other poster who said that they wouldnt travel to a game without a ticket - IF your little team ever get to a european final (yeah right - got to win something first!) and its in your home land I bet my last £1 you would go sample the atmosphere etc...I have been all over the world following rangers and there was no way I wouldnt have went to manchester given its just down the road from me..
and the beer prices were such a rip off - being charged by the can when buying a case (£27!!!!) is wrong, I refused to do it and bought 4 packs instead - the guy infront of me paid £34 for a case of wickeds !!!
everybody was out to rip off the fans and fair play to them given it was a demand and supply thing everyone paid the prices...I hope the shops were happy with their takings...
I am curious to see what replys come from this..
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:04   #20
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by mani View Post
BR - they only came in after the bottle throwin had started

i know that, but, would you just stand there whilst somebody beat the sh17 out of you ?.i know i wouldnt mate..all im saying is you cant blame the huns for fighting back !!!...
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:23   #21
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
i know that, but, would you just stand there whilst somebody beat the sh17 out of you ?.i know i wouldnt mate..all im saying is you cant blame the huns for fighting back !!!...
why do you use the word 'huns' ? - maybe you can explain in detail to the other users why you do? as most wont understand why...

and it wasnt 10,000 fans - it was 140,000 - out of which ? 250 acted like mindless thugs with no care to people or possessions..a small minority of which the mass were well behaved - which has been documented.

Last edited by glasgow guy; 15-05-2008 at 17:25.
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:31   #22
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
I am curious to see what replys come from this..
Was the day a bank holiday ? if not, why wern't all these people at work ?
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:39   #23
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Was the day a bank holiday ? if not, why wern't all these people at work ?
no it want a bank holiday and they werent at work cos they were in manchester ! - and to answer it correctly I presume most booked the day off work..
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:42   #24
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

but then it was ok to start throwing the bottles? what reaction wud u expect from the police if a large group had begun to throw bottles

glasgow - there was 2 screens at the velodrome the biking arena next to the man city stadium. they were advised to head to there on the free buses and a screen so i heard at old trafford too.

and na course u gotta go to the final if ur team is in it and its the first time in 30+ yrs. i dont blame them for coming down.

i just seen myself on the bbc news behind the closed doors of the weatherspoons
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:50   #25
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by mani View Post
but then it was ok to start throwing the bottles? what reaction wud u expect from the police if a large group had begun to throw bottles

glasgow - there was 2 screens at the velodrome the biking arena next to the man city stadium. they were advised to head to there on the free buses and a screen so i heard at old trafford too.
that was quickly opened when it was realised that the broken screen wouldnt get fixed - they moved 11,000 fans in 20 mins...and the old trafford screen never happened.

amd I am not saying its ok to throw bottles - far from it but like I have mentioned elsewhere - you will always get the minority try to and successfully cause trouble..and like I mentioned in same thread - the police wont think about whos attacking them and whos not in that situation - so if you do get caught up in it then thats genuine bad luck to the normal footy fan...
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:55   #26
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

I laugh at people suggesting that the police shouldn't have let people drink so early - you thinking trying to stop 100,000 scots drinking on the day they're team is in the final of europe wouldn't have caused more trouble than we saw ?
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:01   #27
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
I laugh at people suggesting that the police shouldn't have let people drink so early - you thinking trying to stop 100,000 scots drinking on the day they're team is in the final of europe wouldn't have caused more trouble than we saw ?
that unfortunately is an un-policable situation - you cant tell someone how much they are allowed to drink and sadly some people dont know when to stop - and please dont make out its only scottish fans who like a drink... I think they were wrong to lift the drinks ban fro drinking in the street - it would have then been contained to various pubs etc and also allowing drink into the fan zones was wrong also...a cage, 13,000 people, 8 hours of time and more alchohol than you can imagine = disaster , as I stated to my friend. surely the police could have seen that one..

Last edited by glasgow guy; 15-05-2008 at 18:03.
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:03   #28
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Bugs me this. If this occurred for any other reason than a football game, it would cause uproar.

Instead, we make allowances becuase it was a big game and people had been drinking. Oh and the tv broke, so it justifies their actions???

Best watch out for me if my telly packs up whilst the Apprentice is on. I know what I can get away with now
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:06   #29
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Bugs me this. If this occurred for any other reason than a football game, it would cause uproar.

Instead, we make allowances becuase it was a big game and people had been drinking. Oh and the tv broke, so it justifies their actions???

Best watch out for me if my telly packs up whilst the Apprentice is on. I know what I can get away with now
are you saying it hasnt caused an uproar?

who is making allowances?

and who is justifying their actions ?
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:15   #30
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Any excuse to do their bit against the English.These have never got over Willy Wallace & all that centuries ago history.I know,my knucklehead relatives still go on about it.Did'nt stop them moving down here though to try & better themselves.And ,on a football point of view.If the Glasgow big two ever want to play against some quality teams south of the wall on a full time basis,last nights show of strength wont help.
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